Tuesday 24 September 2013

Alice Ain’t So Smart….

The University of Leeds' student union has said that it will not play Robin Thicke's controversial song 'Blurred Lines', following the lead of Edinburgh University which banned it a week ago.
Alice Smart, an officer at Leeds' student union, told The Independent that the song would not now be played in any of the three nightclubs and two bars operated by the union.
So, are you going to also go around ripping the headphones off people to see if they are playing the 'forbidden' song?

Or is this just another symbolic and pointless gesture, like we're used to from student unions?
She said that the decision had been taken collectively by the union's sabbatical officers, because it "undermines and degrades women".
"The reaction has been mainly positive," she added. "A few students are asking why if we have banned this song, we aren't banning everything, but we've chosen this one as an example, because it's so popular."
And does that popularity perhaps have anything to do with the 'outrage'?
"Blurred Lines" has been a worldwide hit, reaching number one in the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland. With more than 5m sales in 22 weeks in the US alone, it is the fastest-selling digital song in history.
Clearly, Thicke's not so thick, and Alice ain't so smart...


Bucko said...

Never heard of it.

Until now.

Tatty said...

It's got a great beat to it and I do love to embarrass the Teen Tattys having a good ole bop to it.

The lyrics, the wimmin say ? Oh them.

"The way you grab me
Must wanna get nasty
Go ahead get at me

So this poor boy is being pawed by a rampant female and...as an alternative to running screaming to the police shouting "sexual assault"... he's all like "yeah baby !!!"

Really not seeing where these "blurred lines" are, actually.

Anonymous said...

J, your web page still says

Ambush Predator

in a column rather than a line.

Dr Cromarty said...

So I guess they'll be banning 'Brown Sugar' with its themes of underage sex, sadomasochism and heroin use...

Anonymous said...


The banned it to make an example, mainly about how pointless they are, will this be Alice's finest point in a life of mediocrity? Probably.

John M said...

What the Union cretins seem to have forgotton already is that the record was number one about 2 months ago.

It's already done it's business. Might as well ban shell suits.

Leg-iron said...

I wish my books were banned. Everybody buys banned stuff. It's the best marketing move ever!

blueknight said...

I recommend they play anything by Steel Panther.
'Asian Hooker', 'Fat Girl' and 'I want your t*ts' to get the party started..

John Pickworth said...

It's already done it's business. Might as well ban shell suits.

Don't do that... I'm in Liverpool in the morning and I really don't fancy the idea of being sold some genuine fake trainers by a naked scouser.

John Pickworth said...

I wish my books were banned...

They should be. They're the most disgusting pieces of depraved filth I've ever read.

There you go, that should double your sales, it worked for Edwina Curry ;-)

JuliaM said...

"Never heard of it.

Until now."

As Leg-Iron points out, you can't buy publicity like that!

"Really not seeing where these "blurred lines" are, actually."


"So I guess they'll be banning 'Brown Sugar' with its themes of underage sex, sadomasochism and heroin use..."

Radio Two'll have to stop playing this on a regular basis too!

"Might as well ban shell suits."

Good plan, but I think John's spotted a flaw...