Monday 9 September 2013

'Thieving C***' 1, Decent Society 0

A police dog handler who kicked a 15-year-old boy in the throat while his dog attacked him may be thrown out of the police force.
No, for once, this isn't a case of police carelessness with their four-footed tools, this thieving little shit thoroughly deserved everything he got:
The trial heard he and a number of friends were being pursued by officers in marked cars in the early hours of the morning on 17 July last year. The teenager said he had attempted to flee as he was carrying bolt-croppers, but said that after cycling away from the rest of the group, he was followed by Peel’s car which had its windows down.
'He was telling me to stop or he was going to let the dog out,' he said.
The teenager said he continued to cycle around the car park but after dumping the bag near some trolleys he stopped and rested against a wall of the supermarket near to the police car.
Some people would say what followed were simply the consequences of not stopping when the police tell you to...

But maybe he was innocent? Maybe it was a case of mistaken identity?
The boy later received a police caution for going equipped for theft, the court heard.
The justice system in this country is a joke...


Anonymous said...

Comments on this one should be interesting.

It's ironic that JP mentioned all those police officers with apparent convictions on a previous post-and then we get this one.The JP would rather believe a self-confessed thief than a police officer.Very sad.

DPS are on our back so much at work i'm frightened to fart in the van!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, to clarify-the second JP in my post means Justice of the Peace,not John Pickworth!

Xopher said...

Anonymous said "DPS are on our back so much at work i'm frightened to fart in the van!"
The result could be catastrophic if you committed the heinous crime of lighting a ciggie in the works van - fire + explosive gases = another smoking related death

Joe Public said...

I'm sure that officer didn't "kick" junior. Could he have just been trying to dislodge a pesky moth with the sole of his boot?

MTG said...

It is a long gone authority, if it was ever an appropriate one, for police to dole out physical punishments although 'reasonable force' never constituted the latter.

Having said that, and subject to all being as it seems in these particular circumstances, Julia's succinct scoring cannot be faulted.

John Pickworth said...

Sorry, to clarify-the second JP in my post means Justice of the Peace,not John Pickworth!

Crap! An afternoon wasted sharpening my best quill ;-)

Like many of these cases, I'm in two minds over this one.

A 15 year old out in the early hours makes him fair game as far as I'm concerned. That, and he was carrying burglary tools and refusing to cooperate, even more so.

On the other hand, did the officer really need to set his dog loose? Why are the police unable to simply grab some kid on a bicycle instead going all bad-ass at every situation?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps John the crim was cycling away and the dog can run faster than a man?

Anonymous said...


Personally the police and the judiciary had the opportunity to really scare the living daylights out of this little bastard. With any luck prevent further thieving and a descent into a parasitical existence, now he is fully aware that he will have a charmed life as far as the courts are concerned and can pretty much get away with anything. Now we have a life long until shot going to commit some crime useless oxygen thief. I doubt if the caution will do the lad any good.

Anonymous said...

From someone who attended court, the 'boy' is about 6ft tall, built like a brick loo while the Police officer is about 5'10". It is understood the defence brief did all he could to make his client appear and sound like a scared schoolboy, together with sobs and tearful pauses as he gave evidence. No doubt Ken Loach will now approach the 'boy' to appear in another of his left wing, 'all coppers are bastards' films.

JuliaM said...

"The JP would rather believe a self-confessed thief than a police officer.Very sad."

But not unexpected these days. It's OK for me to hope the JP is burgled, isn't it?


"On the other hand, did the officer really need to set his dog loose? "

Well, Jaded probably has the real answer, but the reply that came to mind was 'Why keep a dog and bite yourself..?'

"From someone who attended court, the 'boy' is about 6ft tall, built like a brick loo while the Police officer is about 5'10". It is understood the defence brief did all he could to make his client appear and sound like a scared schoolboy..."

And if the JP can't see through that, there's no hope... :/

James Higham said...

The justice system in this country is a joke...

No, Julia, tell me it's not so. :)