Sunday 22 September 2013

This Guy Clearly Thinks You Can Get Better Than A Kwik-Fit Fitter...

....but no, sorry. It's a FAIL! on that score.


John Pickworth said...

My door mirror is in the post officer...

Seriously, it is. Off to the post office shortly to collect it. Completely took mine off when a drystone wall drove into me.

But why this chap thought a roll of tape was a suitable (presumingly temporary) repair is beyond me. He has a rear window so the side door mirror is hardly vital?

Anonymous said...

Nice car. Ruined only by an idiot !

JuliaM said...

"But why this chap thought a roll of tape was a suitable (presumingly temporary) repair is beyond me."

Well, he'd been driving around for at least a fortnight with it dangling by a wire..!

"Ruined only by an idiot !"

I haven't seen it since I took the snap...