Tuesday 3 September 2013

"No Problem, Ma'am, We've Sent A SWAT Team..."

Initially Sewell tried to call her mother, her father, the friends her parents were with, her own friends and two neighbors. When she couldn’t reach anyone, Sewell decided to call the non-emergency police hotline as a last resort.
I'm amazed they didn't call in a helicopter or two...
Throughout the situation, Sewell said the officers remained professional, despite the seemingly absurd circumstances.
Well, at least it wasn't likely to shoot back!
Makenna said they insisted she keep the dead spider and send it in for testing - because they had never seen one that big, either. She also said she feels grateful that she lives in the sort of town where a teenager can summon a police officer to kill a spider.
I'd be grateful I live in the sort of low-crime area where they have time for that! Over here, we can't get ours to deal with large, aggressive dogs..


MTG said...

Given the location and circumstances, the correct decisions and actions were made by all parties, Julia.

"I'd be grateful I live in the sort of low-crime area where they have time for that! Over here, we can't get ours to deal with large, aggressive dogs.." Amen to that.

Bucko said...

Our coppers told me it wasn't worth coming out to deal with kids starting a grass fire.

John Pickworth said...

You couldn't do that here...

Chances are 18 heavies would sledge-hammer your door off its hinges, you'd be 'accidentally' tazered, face arrest for that dodgy naturist photo on your laptop, get ticketed for the just expired car tax for the motor on your drive and whoa betide you if they discover you'd recently been watching Al Jazeera on TV or worse have a jar of Robinson's jam in the kitchen cupboard.

JuliaM said...

"Given the location and circumstances, the correct decisions and actions were made by all parties, Julia."

Yes indeed. Nice to be able to run a 'good news' story, for a change. Even if it is from across the pond.

"Our coppers told me it wasn't worth coming out to deal with kids starting a grass fire."


"You couldn't do that here..."

No indeed! And that's where the rot sets in.