Saturday 31 May 2014

A Worthy Cause

Like fellow bloggers Longrider, Dick Puddlecote, Bucko, the Libertarians, please join me in saying 'No!'.


Rickie said...

Spot on Julia, smokers sign the form, write a letter, and whilst you are fed up to the back teeth about Plain packs, don't forget you should be even more pissed of about E-cigs, and bloody minimum pricing on booze and sugar err fat, salt, chocolate , get writing smokerloonies the war on smoking has been lost, so why not get all fucked up daft about the next bit of health advice.

It brings a smile to my face reading the anonymous

I often wonder what would have happened to the smoking ban if lobbyists hadn't gone into hiding over the issues and stayed anonymous, maybe a proper campaign with potentially millions of members with a real plan of action , real objectives, real people with real names, and a properly agreed view on smoking issues...yeah that would have fucked it all up before it could get

Too late now, the ban is cemented in throughout the got what you deserve by hiding petrified of being outed.

Here are more smokers worried about being identified on the online petition hidden from the public... (Simon Clark taking liberties) Plain packaging/No prime minister may 27 thread.

You couldn't make it up.

The small number of comments and reaction on the president for smokers rights blog ,Simon Clark taking liberties...says it all..the clues are there, its not a worthy cause but a complete waste of energy on a worthless campaign...who wins, who gives a fuck.

Plain or not plain....yeah whatever.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

I hold little hope that this will make any difference. I tried writing to my MP in Australia about this matter some time ago, and received the following reply:
Dear Mr Rothmans
protect children blah blah blah.
Yours faithfully,
Snivelling short-arsed cocksmoking spineless Quisling MP

Trevor said...

I've never touched a cigarette, much less smoke one, and can't stand the stench, but I signed up for this in a shot.

Not one penny more of extorted tax-geld should be spent on meddling in people's lives.

If I ever became Chief Dalek of Parliament, I would happily work my arse off for a full five-year term just repealing laws, deleting regulations, having a real 'bonfire of the quangos' - in other words trying to pry the fingers of the state from around the neck of the people.

Secure the borders, defend us from our enemies, care for our sick and elderly - that's all we really want. Nothing else is any of Cameron's fucking business.

Disenfranchised of Buckingham said...

Done it.

Don't smoke, never have, hate the smell. BUT none of that has anything to do with TPTB.

Smoking, drugs, booze, everyone has the right to kill themselves in their own way.

Anonymous said...

I don't smoke but still, fuck'em.

JuliaM said...

"I often wonder what would have happened to the smoking ban if lobbyists hadn't gone into hiding over the issues and stayed anonymous, maybe a proper campaign with potentially millions of members with a real plan of action..."

Do you think we maybe miss out on some of the tricks of the Left?

Hmmm, you could be right.

But how to defeat the enemy without simply becoming them?

"I've never touched a cigarette, much less smoke one, and can't stand the stench, but I signed up for this in a shot."

Ditto, though I do love cigar & pipe smoke!