Saturday, 31 May 2014

Quote Of The Month

LegIron on the treats left behind in public toilets. NSFBR*
 "Then there was the porn star in the ladies. She must have been. She had left us one of the Unflushables and if she can get something that wide and long out in one go, she must surely have been in a lot of those films. As my father would definitely have said in the recent non-PC past, it was like a black man’s dick. For those who want to be offended, you might want to consider that any man of any colour would not be at all offended if his dick was compared to something that big. There are horses who would be flattered. That woman’s arse is probably listed in some caver’s almanac somewhere and there might well be a few guys with torches on their heads still lost in there.

 * Not Safe For Breakfast Reading


Anonymous said...

My tea is up soon, so fuck clicking on that link, I know Leggy's history!

Twenty_Rothmans said...

Dr LI might like to catch up on the antics of Belladonna, an actress who'd presumably need a chainsaw to deal with these matters.

When I had to clean toilets, the women's (no ladies here) were always the worst.

The money shot was a bouquet of flowers, stuffed into the turds at the bottom of the pan.

I suppose the roses were grateful of the nightsoil, but doubt very much that some chap got his end away that night.

blueknight said...

Report of a drunk asleep in the pub toilets.
He had correctly realised that he needed the 'facilities' and pulled down trousers etc in anticipation of what was about to happen.
Unfortunately he had forgotten that he was wearing a long shirt the tail of which he sat on.
We woke him up, he got dressed and came out and when he sat down hard on the pub wall it was like a spade slapping wet sand.
History has not recorded what happened to the shirt but it would have been a worthy challenge for for a tub of vanish....

JuliaM said...

"The money shot was a bouquet of flowers, stuffed into the turds at the bottom of the pan."


"History has not recorded what happened to the shirt but it would have been a worthy challenge for for a tub of vanish...."
