Sunday 4 May 2014

Best CiF Post Title Ever!

Offered without comment, because...what could I say?


Anonymous said...

I for one welcome our new Jellyfish overlords.

Anonymous said...

I takes a massive amount of energy to make paint.
John Gibson

Anonymous said...

A writer/philosopher wrestling with the ultimate regression hypothesis?

Loved the Guardian comment "I'm disappointed. I was hoping this would be a tutorial on how to paint underwater."

Anonymous said...


Is the Guardian an employment scheme for cretins?

Anonymous said...

Seems like Mr Adams (Douglas not the Irish one that used to look like Wolfie Smith) was correct. We are the useless third of the population aka the Golgafricha(m|n)s - hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, management consultants, telephone sanitisers and the like.

Ian B said...

Julia, thank you for a genuine laugh out loud moment. I'm still tittering in fact.

I'd love to see this one from the "Question Time" audience.

The Jannie said...

Is this another triumph for care in the community? Some of these buggers aren't safe to be out alone.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

This must make it into Pseuds in Private Eye, or I'll cancel ny subscription.

Oh, I already did, when it ceased to be very funny.

JuliaM said...

"I for one welcome our new Jellyfish overlords."


"Seems like Mr Adams (Douglas not the Irish one that used to look like Wolfie Smith) was correct. We are the useless third of the population aka the Golgafricha(m|n)s..."

A very astute man..