Monday 19 May 2014

And This Is Why The Police Are Warned Off Social Media...

..Twitter in particular, you see, takes no prisoners. Take this little gem from one of our brave boys in blue:

As we've seen before, a hasty & ill-thought-out social media comment can have the same effect as tossing a hand-grenade into a barrel of manure. Let the snark begin!

And there's more...

And yet more!

Right about now, I think PC Armstrong was wishing he'd kept his mouth shut.

I'd love to tell you how he wriggled out of this one, but I can't. He blocked me. I wonder if he blocked EVERYONE (even the obviously genuinely puzzled inquirers) who dared to ask..?


Anonymous said...

This is highly embarrassing and you have probably hit the bulls-eye with the "promotion" jibe. The person on my team who tweets good news is in the same position-desperately trying to find evidence to impress our Inspector.
I would rather wire my gonads to to the mains than become a "tweeter" for the police.I just get on with my work quietly and without fuss,just like the good old days.

Robert the Biker said...

How about " If you see this wanker walking about in a uniform, call Crimestoppers as he's impersonating a Police Officer"

Bucko said...

Bloody brilliant! So sorry I missed it

MTG said...

There is no greater travesty than the glass ceiling which blights promotion prospects for most plod dogs when their human handlers are only marginally smarter.

Anonymous said...


you poor bastard. Hope you've not long to go and escape unaffected by Geeky Winsor.

Anonymous said...

"Hope you've not long to go and escape..."

Think carefully before wiring your gonads to the mains, Jaded. Remember to replace the main fuse with a six inch nail and keep one foot in a bucket of warm brine.

JuliaM said...

" The person on my team who tweets good news is in the same position-desperately trying to find evidence to impress our Inspector."

They just don't understand what Twitter is, but they think they need to have it.