Wednesday 21 May 2014

Either This Is Just Another Half-Arsed 'Defence'...

...(and believe me, that seems to be all you ever get today, as jury service taught me!) or the Army really needs to revise its training manual:
Delaney was arrested hours later and told police he and friends wanted to put the cat 'out of its misery' and that he carried out the act as he had undergone survival training in the armed forces.
I wonder if his career in the Army would help him much if I got to spend a few minutes alone in a room with him?

Or, like most of his kind, is he only happy to front up women if he has his equally drunken pals to back him up if things get too tasty?


Anonymous said...

If he'd done survival training, he would have done a fast neck snap.

Ancient+Tattered Airman said...

Will somebody explain to this old fellow (who has undergone survival training) why such a 'qualification' was used in this particular case? He is just a nasty lout and deserves harsh punishment.

Robert the Biker said...

Never heard such bollocks in all my puff! Had this twat done this while he was 'in', his own squad would have disowned him, his Sergeant would have dragged his arse before the CO and his Commanding Officer would have slung him out as a nutter!
Contrary to some peoples belief, nutters are the very last people you want as soldiers, I imagine (though it is not clear) that this twat barely made it past basic as these sort of tendencies tend to get weeded out.

JuliaM said...

"If he'd done survival training, he would have done a fast neck snap."

Indeed... :/

"Contrary to some peoples belief, nutters are the very last people you want as soldiers..."

And yet so many left-leaning people will read this story & think that that's 'just what you expect from the Army'... :(