Monday 12 May 2014

Why, Yes, Let's Demand Something That Had No Connection With This Tragedy...'s clearly The Modern Way:
The tragedy – in the Clubmoor area of Liverpool – has led to the Clarke family calling for tougher dog control laws to be brought in, with muzzles on all dogs in public, and under-18s barred from walking dogs.
So, 'the tragedy' was caused by an under 18 year old walking an unmuzzled dog in public?

Why, no. Why ever would you think that?
Kenny said: “We are not dog haters, we love dogs - I’ve been around them my whole life.
“It is a case of owners taking more responsibility.
“Every human being is different and so are dogs. They all have different personalities and are capable of reacting.
If dogs were muzzled in public then the number of attacks would fall.
“It needs to start now before someone else become a victim.”
Kenny, this case is awful, but just why you think forcing Mrs Miggins to muzzle her 2lb Pomeranian when she walks it down the road to get her morning newspaper is the answer to stopping men like your brother from being mauled to death in their own back garden by his neighbour's uncontrollable half-starved 180lb killing machine, I've no idea.

I hesitate to suggest that it's because you're from Liverpool. Has anyone got a better suggestion?


Kath Lissenden said...

I agree dog owners need to be more responsible, however my dog would hate being muzzled and to me if a dog needs a muzzle it's not the dog it's the owner that is the problem.
The problem here is the owners not the dogs but not all us dog owners are irresponsible.
My pet hate is dog shit, we always pick up after our dog and I despise coming out of my house onto the pavement and someone has let there dog shit on the pavement right outside my house.
This story is a tragedy but punishing all dog owners for one bad owner is just wrong.

tomrat said...

Personally I think the owners should be muzzled; we need to take punitive measures out of the hands of jumped-up quasi-chari-angos like the RSPCA and put them firmly in the hands of the police who can treat this like they would abuse of a child, invalid or elderly person and have these prosecuted properly.

I wont hold my breath though.

Furor Teutonicus said...

xX put them firmly in the hands of the police who can treat this like they would abuse of a child, invalid or elderly person and have these prosecuted properly.XX

So people like you can then turn around and rant about how "the police should be nicking REAL criminals, like "abusers of children, invalids or elderly persons"?

JuliaM said...

"This story is a tragedy but punishing all dog owners for one bad owner is just wrong."

Indeed so. Justice should be blind. Not stupid.

"...and put them firmly in the hands of the police..."

Their track-record ain't so hot, is it?