Thursday 8 August 2013

Blighted By Drugs...

Two stories in the 'Southend Echo' recently:
Callous burglars stamped and kicked on a 92-year-old woman in a vicious attack in her own home. A handbag, several items of jewellery and bank cards were stolen.
And a day later:
Police are hunting a gunman who robbed an 81-year-old woman at a Shoebury shop. At about 7.40pm tonight, Tuesday, July 30, a man entered the Costcutters store in High Street and threatened a staff member and customer with a small handgun, demanding money from the till. The frightened staff member, a local woman aged 81, handed over around £100 in cash.
All those who demand that drugs be legalised and that this will solve all problems will, no doubt, tell me the same thing again.

Because feral scum like these will work for their now-government-approved drugs, of course!


Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks that drug legalisation will solve all problems is a fool of the highest order, but then I don’t think anyone is making that claim.

The argument for drug legalisation is that those who take drugs but do no harm to others, have not done anything worthy of punishment and that once legal there will be no automatic link between drugs and crime.

That doesn’t mean that there won’t be those who turn to crime to fund their habit, just like today where criminals use crime to pay for drink, food, gambling, holidays…

Able said...

I've a better idea, let's go the route of the US - you know, in providing 81 and 92 year old ladies with the only tool that would allow them to defend themselves - a firearm (and the legal right to defend themselves).

Then these reports would , after a short period of 'granny attacked, attacker shot' stories, would 'amazingly' stop occurring.

I won't hold my breath though.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

All those who demand that drugs be legalised and that this will solve all problems will, no doubt, tell me the same thing again.

Tsk tsk, Julia. I thought that you were spoken for, then we see you with a straw man.

As Anon 1316 said, nobody's damn fool enough to claim that.

Well, I guess we'll leave things as they are because everything's going just swimmingly.

Many people work and pay for their drugs.

Unfortunately, acquiring them requires considerable risk along with fraternisation with some very nasty people, at nasty hours and in nasty places thanks to prohibition.

Moreover, there is the 'feral scum' bit. Feral scum are more than happy to go about their business be they stoned, pissed or sober.

Some time in a Cambodian prison stitching trainers (can't send them to Bong Bongoland, that would be wacist) should help them reform. Or kill them. Whatever.

Disenfranchised of Buckingham said...

Just because the justice system doesn't do it's job and take the feral scum off the street is no reason for drugs to be illegal.

I tend to agree with Teenty Rothmans. Sub contract our prisons to Bongo bongo. Save money and increase the punishment. Win, win.

Mr Ecks said...

The cost of drugs will plummet when the scum of the state are out of the picture and people can by what they want at the chemist for something approaching their true cost of manufacture and distribution. Even if some scum choose to fund their consumption with crime, the sheer number of crimes will drop thro' the floor--unless, Julia, you are suggesting that scumbags have the desire to be "Criminal of the Year" or something. The vileness of the crimes is still down to the individual dirtbag and still needs to be punished by violent means. You have been reading too much Daily Mail crap.

JuliaM said...

"... but then I don’t think anyone is making that claim."

Well, I've seen it a lot.

"I've a better idea, let's go the route of the US - you know, in providing 81 and 92 year old ladies with the only tool that would allow them to defend themselves - a firearm (and the legal right to defend themselves)."


"As Anon 1316 said, nobody's damn fool enough to claim that."

No, I've seen them! And yes, many people would work and pay, but we'd then have bootlegging and counterfeiting to add to the mix, as we do with booze and fags.

And we'd still be stick with junkie wasters knocking old ladies on the head.

"The cost of drugs will plummet when the scum of the state are out of the picture.."

Yes, sure. Because every year, in the budget, booze and fags go down. Right?