Thursday 22 August 2013

Is There Anyone Who Is Happy With Your Level Of Service?

Thames Valley Police spokeswoman Rhianne Pope said: “A theft was recorded at that address between midnight on January 16 to 7am on January 17. The crime log was updated on July 3 to say the drums had been returned.”
Well, not really accurate, surely? Shouldn't someone get a ticking off for falsifying records?
She said: “We would not respond to a complaint through the media.
“We would encourage anyone who is not happy with the level of service we have given or our response to an inquiry to contact us direct.”
And if they do, will you just lose all record of the call or not bother to pass the message on?


MTG said...

It would be unfair to overlook the excellent service which plod is providing for themselves and their friends and families. However the overall success of any service rests on the degree to which the needs of paying customers are fulfilled.

Moving quickly on to blasphemy:-
The providers are far too bigoted, selfish and dim to grasp the need for constructive criticism and suggestions...or the roles these essential elements play in delivering a performance of quality. In consequence, only a lucky few are now happy with the present level of service.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX It would be unfair to overlook the excellent service which plod is providingXX

EXACTLY Melvyn, WELL said, for a change!

Furor Teutonicus said...

I look foreward to the answer from "Von Streuth," or whatever your alter-ego calls himself.

Keep taking the tablets, you KNOW it makes sence..... unlike you.

MTG said...

Look Füror, I have no idea what you are talking about but I can see you are really upset. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill and think things over. Would you like me to sing you a nursery rhyme?

John Pickworth said...

Thames Valley Police spokeswoman Rhianne Pope...

And your job is what?

JuliaM said...

"And your job is what?"
