Saturday 24 August 2013

So, David, What's Your Suggestion?

David Dennis takes issue with the ‘advice’ given to African-Americans:
Take a look at comments sections, Facebook statuses and Twitter accounts acroses the country. On any given second, you'll see someone flippantly discovering the way to solve the various disparities in rights afforded African Americans.
Want to rise up in literacy? Black people should stop buying Jordans and buy more books for their kids.
Want to stop violence in Black communities? Just stop shooting each other."
How about incarceration? Don't commit so many crimes."
Gee, thanks. I didn't think of that. Do these pundits somehow think they're smarter than millions of African Americans? That we're all too busy sagging our pants, buying Jordans or getting single mothers pregnant to see the "obvious" solutions in front of us?
Well, they aren't the ones with populations with appalling social prospects, but what do they know, eh, David?
The approach of offering such flippant solutions is just a carryover of a paternalistic tradition built on the stereotypes that people of color are somehow in need of guidance or care from those in power. Black America doesn't need to get lectured or reprimanded.
Yeah! If Black America wants to stay out all night drinking with its friends, it will! It's so unfair! Asian America never gets grounded! *sulks*
Black America – and people of all races – need co-operation. Togetherness. Working in unison to help every group of people to rise above their circumstances.
What circumstances? The fact that your reputation is so low, that armed guards are considered necessary where large numbers gather, no matter how ordinary the pastime?
Unfortunately, this teamwork is hard to come by, especially in light of the fact that so many Americans have failed to incorporate people of other races into their own social lives. A recent study revealed that 40% of white Americans don't interact with anyone from other races and 25% of non-whites interact exclusively with people of their own races.
If no-one wants to sit next to the unruly kid, or invite him to any parties, maybe it's the unruly kid that's the problem?


Dick the Prick said...

So...effectively, if people don't go to parties where they may get shot they're part of the problem? Hokely dokely, wuckfittery at its banal irrelevance. I'm straight back to the simple solutions, frankly.

Anonymous said...

He needs to watch Chris Rock's magnificent Help Guide on You Tube entitled 'How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police' - some good advice there for any wannabee/ existing niggas/buthas/gang bangers/ feral scum.

Furor Teutonicus said...

There is no excuse for being black. That is why suicide was invented.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps the white people who exclusively interact with other white people, live in communities which are white, such as the Amish. What is the statistic about black people interacting solely with black people, also wasn't George Zimmerman Hispanic?

Anonymous said...

I can't understand gangstah so no conversational exchange possible. It's not a racist but a middleclass thing. People who don't do delayed gratifications, euphemism or restraint just don't get on with me.

Michael said...

I seem to recall an article written by Bill Cosby discussing this sort of thing and... horror of horrors... blaming the PARENTS! How very dare he? Of course the article was quickly brushed under the carpet as it was "off message" as far as the professional righteous are concerned. But being black himself they could hardly complain too loudly.

Squires said...

"...the various disparities in rights afforded African Americans."

What? Care to define?

How about disparities in privileges, such as preferential hiring treatment as enforced by federal law, preferential treatment when it comes to receiving scholarships, what about a lower rate of conviction by juries amongst those who stand trial, and receiving shorter sentences on average?

How about having a free pass to casually sling around manner of racist and race-baiting bullshit, whether you're a thrillingly ignorant rap "artist" or a lethally ignorant president of the very country itself?

And how is it again that Al "diamond merchants" Sharpton is not only a free man, but to this day still enjoying great wealth and political influence?

"What is the statistic about black people interacting solely with black people, also wasn't George Zimmerman Hispanic?"

1- That you asked that question suggests you've already made an accurate guess.

2- Zimmerman is half Peruvian, and therefore half Native American. He's also part black, from a few generations back. But for the left's narrative, he needed to be made as "white" as possible.

In response to a friend sending me this link some time back, with the question "Who knew Hawaii was seething with racial bigotry?":

I responded with this explanation of how race is defined for the American left, which those of you still residing on the Mother Islets may find handy:

"Well, it is, actually. "Never drink with the natives," is considered
sound advice there, as abusive bigotry towards whites, asians, blacks,
and anyone else not of indigenous descent is common amongst them. That
was probably what Palin was alluding to when she made her comment
regarding not fitting in at the university she briefly attended in
Hawaii - a statement the Party's press organs diligently deemed Racist.
But the natives' racism is a racism that doesn't fit into Politically
Correct orthodoxy, so it doesn't, officially speaking, exist. Just like
that which Obama speaks of is made to exist, for political expediency.
This can applied at any scale. For example, Zimmerman is "white" and a
racist for shooting Trayvon Martin in self-defense, but Trayvon Martin
is not racist for jumping a "creepy ass cracka" from behind and
battering his skull against the concrete. It's all very clean and
perfect so shut up.

Further note that Obama's half-blackness combined with his orthodoxy makes him Politically Black and therefore unracist, no matter what he says or does, and regardless of what great efforts he goes to in order to inspire and sustain as much racist seething amongst blacks (who can't be racist) in regards to a Politically White half-white, unorthodox unperson - i.e. one Martin Zimmerman.

Similarly race-traitor unbelievers like Allen West and Clarence Thomas become unblack persons for holding views the open-minded and color-blind benevolence of orthodoxy deems incorrect and therefore forbidden amongst people of their dusky shade."

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Further note that Obama's half-blackness combined with his orthodoxy makes him Politically Black XX

Makes him a mutherfukin' nigger.

John Pickworth said...

Further note that Obama's half-blackness combined with his orthodoxy makes him Politically Black

Politically yellow more like, judging from his inability to correctly draw red lines... not so much a man of colour but someone struggling with all the colours!

JuliaM said...

"So...effectively, if people don't go to parties where they may get shot they're part of the problem?"

Attending parties is the least of it. Just walking by is hazardous...

"...also wasn't George Zimmerman Hispanic?"

I believe the phrase was 'white' Hispanic!

"Of course the article was quickly brushed under the carpet as it was "off message"..."

A common occurrence. How DARE these people wander off the reservation?