Sunday 11 August 2013

Sunday Funnies...

You can choose your friends, but not your relatives...


Squires said...

I'm not so sure about Osama being much of black sheep. He took a different career path, certainly, but according to an ex-wife of one of the bin Laden clansmen, that "disowning" was entirely for appearance's sake. And as in the UAE, the Saudi's are big on using de facto slaves for labor (as well as sexual gratification), drawn from the kuffar and lesser races, of course. Likewise their financial elite share a predisposition towards funding terrorist organizations, the establishing of mosques to seek converts and fire up backsliders both in the West and in largely agnostic, only nominally Muslim nations, not mention those wonderful documentaries we see and literature we read on the glory of "Islamic contributions" to science and civilization, or on how Submission means Peace.

James Higham said...

Julia, are you an only or eldest or youngest?

JuliaM said...

"...but according to an ex-wife of one of the bin Laden clansmen, that "disowning" was entirely for appearance's sake."

That doesn't surprise me.

"Julia, are you an only or eldest or youngest?"

I'm the eldest. I couldnt' be surpassed... ;)