Sunday 25 August 2013

Best 'Daily Mail' Typo EVER! none!


Pavlov's Cat said...

Yep just because it isn't underlined with a red wiggly line. Doesn't mean it's the right word.

See a lot of that these days , nobody re-reads anything, just hit POST or SEND

SadButMadLad said...

It's amazing how your brain ignores your eyes and puts in place what it expects to see. I had to read it about five times finally studying it without reading it (letter by letter) to find the error. Well spotted!

MTG said...

It's unreasonable to expect Boots to check ovary waste pot of Vegerinary Pasta, Julia.

James Higham said...

Subbing's hit the skids.

Gerry McGuire said...

A little veteranarian in your diet is probably good for you...

JuliaM said...

"See a lot of that these days , nobody re-reads anything, just hit POST or SEND"

Heh! Did that myself with one of yesterday's posts ... *blush*

"Well spotted!"

For some reason, it just leapt out at me!