Tuesday 6 August 2013

Good Work! But Can You Do The Same To The Owner Too?

She told News Shopper: “I was just walking my dog and I saw a man on his mobile phone with what I thought was his dog gesturing with his hands to stay there. “
 Because of course when you are out walking your Urban Wolf (the Staffie-cross) you expect everyone else to get out of your way, don't you..?
In her desperate 10-minute struggle to prize her 18-month-old from the jaws of the vicious dog she was bitten on the hand, arm and foot in front of a crowd of horrified onlookers outside Tesco Express.
 But for once, the story has a happy ending!
The quick-thinking owner of nearby Starshine Dry Cleaners came to the rescue when he grabbed a belt out of his car used it to strangle the rampaging collarless dog into submission.
A Bexley police spokeswoman said: “I can confirm we were called just after 7pm on July to reports of a dangerous dog attack in Upper Wickham Lane, Welling.
“The dog in question has been seized and police are currently investigating this matter. “
And the police actually doing their job! Wonders will never cease!

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