Thursday 16 May 2013

A Departure From ‘A Rare Event’..?

Det Con Richard Walker, said: "This was a violent assault on lone female as she made her way home.
“We believe that there were people near to the scene at the time of the offence and I urge anyone with information to contact Southend CID on 101, or via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”
Do we get that soothing, reassuring phrase trotted out?

Reader, we don't...
Mr Walker added: "While we are investigating this crime, which is worrying that it was an unprovoked attack on a woman, it would be advisable for people out late at night to try to walk home with another person and to be wary of strangers.”


Anonymous said...

Det Con Richard Walker said:

"I am satisfied people could do a lot more to help themselves. Anyway, Radiator Safety Awareness Week has overstretched our limited resources."

Anonymous said...

Nice one Melv!

I'm kidding, it was shite as usual.

I think DC Walker will go on media course and be given the book of meaningless stock phrases....anything but the truth in case it upsets someone.

Anonymous said...

Melvin the repetitive said....
"Blah blah blah pompous crap"

Anonymous said...

An ACPO spokesperson said "Ideally, the entire nation would be under home curfew from dusk until dawn, that way there would be no incidents on the streets during the hours of darkness, well except us boys in blue arresting people found outdoors and giving spurious excuses like "I was putting the bins out" or "I have to be outdoors at night, I'm on the night shift".

JuliaM said...

"I think DC Walker will go on media course and be given the book of meaningless stock phrases....anything but the truth in case it upsets someone."

Very true. Check out a post today for what happens when any levity is attempted...

"An ACPO spokesperson said "Ideally, the entire nation would be under home curfew from dusk until dawn..."

Also true!