The remains of the man, believed to be a serial burglar, were found by pest control workers in an unused part of the Victorian building at Moody and Wooley Solicitors in Derby.It'd be all the more delicious if he'd been one of their clients, but hey, you can't have everything I suppose...
The firm's Senior partner Julie Marson described the incident as an 'awful tragedy'.*puzzled face*
Why? Did the pest control people charge you even more for the removal?
A good start of a detective story, though. What if the pathology shows the man was already dead when his body was concealed in the chimney?
And why that particular office?
Wasn't there some kind of dispute over how long he'd been there, too? Uuurrgghh. And what of the poor chimney sweep, or rather potentially rich chimney sweep - "arrghh, you see what you've got here Guv'nor is a case of severe pikey rot, quite rare, quite rare, but let's say £500".
I'm probably not the only one here that's hoping the pest control workers were there trying to rid the building of lawyers?
The bit where the business had its normal operations halted, incurring costs but no income is not good news but besides that it is a good news story.
A story that you would read in an American or Australian newspaper but NEVER in a British or Canadian one:
@WoaR :
It's been done : http://www.tv.com/shows/ncis/smoked-901298/
Not that I'm a sad person that watches and remembers NCIS plots!
@Dave :
I know that the law in most states is far more robust than in this benighted country concerning protecting your property, but do people in the southern states employ 'guard 'gators'?
BTW, does that suspension bridge near you still wobble in the wind? :)
I don't think they have "guard gators" down south. Gators are basically mindless eating machines and you wouldn't be able to train one. This would put your children and pets at risk if you didn't get enough intruders for it to snack on. You know what an awful tragedy it would be to lose a good and loyal dog. Oh, and it would kinda suck to lose a kid too.
"What if the pathology shows the man was already dead when his body was concealed in the chimney?"
*dun dun DUN!*
"I'm probably not the only one here that's hoping the pest control workers were there trying to rid the building of lawyers?"
"A story that you would read in an American or Australian newspaper but NEVER in a British or Canadian one"
"He was running from a deputy after a traffic stop. He claims he didn't know it was a law enforcement officer at first."
Who ELSE stops you for traffic offences..?!?
XX pjt said...
I'm probably not the only one here that's hoping the pest control workers were there trying to rid the building of lawyers? XX
So. Next time you are stopped in down town L.A, or wherever, and you feel the police may be falsely arresting you, who you going to ring? Fucking Ghost busters, or what?
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