Saturday 4 May 2013

No, No, You Don’t Look Fat In Your Victimhood…

Ava Vidal (apparently a standup comedian and patron of the charity Show Racism the Red Card) opines on the Hunter controversy:
… many people are working hard to eradicate the ugly issue from the beautiful game, which only makes what happened at the Professional Footballers' Association's annual awards dinner so disappointing.
It's hard to understand why there was no proper research into the background of the comedian who the PFA decided to book. Reginald D Hunter has been working on the UK comedy circuit for well over a decade, and is hardly shy about using the N-word, having used it in the title of no fewer than four of his solo shows. He even appended the contentious word on the end of his work in progress shows.
Booking him for this gig was the equivalent of booking Frankie Boyle for a Mencap benefit.
Yes, astonishingly, a black stand up comedian using a derogatory word about black people is all the fault of…the white football managers who booked him!


Anonymous said...

Ava who? No doubt she calls herself a comedian but in reality her act probably comprises of a series of unfunny diatribes about being (a) Black / person of color (b) a woman (c) a black woman / female person of color (d) how racist the UK is (e) a black woman (f) being black., (g) racist white people....

A fully paid up member of the National Black Permanently Aggrieved and easily offended Victim of whitey community.

As for Reginald D Hunter I don't think he has ever made me laugh and I've only ever seen him on HIGNFY. The thick black southern folksy n—— wandering puzzled around the UK shtick isn't that funny and he really isn't that clever either but the BBC 3 and Radio 4 'comedy' audience seem to go wild at every utterance.

Slag Frankie Boyle off all you like but you know what you are going to get - and he can make you laugh even though you feel dirty for doing so afterwards and even though you know you don't like him.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

Only whites can be racist.

This is why the side-splitting Ava is rightfully targeting the true culprit in this shameful, foul-mouthed, use of 'nigger' four times during a performance. Not the man who said it, of course.

Blame the whites, Ava, even though they would have only seen Reginald D Hunter on HIGNFY, where he don't say 'nigger' too much.

It's fun to see the pro-'nigger' black comedians fight it out with the 'anti-n-word' comedians. According to Ava, Richard Pryor stopped saying 'nigger' after he went to South Africa. Personally, I'd have stopped beforehand - makes it easier to get through Customs and the taxi drivers are not as hostile.

I might just sit down and watch some of Ava's work on youtube. From what I gather, most of the material is about racism, which is splendid. There's a breadth, versatility, and dare I say, diversity to her performance.

I imagine it goes like this:
"What's white and ten inches long? Nuthin!"
"What's white and two miles long? The dole queue in Virginia Water!"
"Why do white people always have the music so quiet in their cars? They only like opera and shit"

I wouldn't hire her for anything though. She might just cut loose, and use some words white people aren't allowed to hear.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Reggie D.

Possibly the only bloke ever to make Lenny Henry seem like comedy gold.

Guaranteed one man series on the BBC with the year for sure.

JuliaM said...

"No doubt she calls herself a comedian but in reality her act probably comprises of a series of unfunny diatribes..."

These days, that puts her square into the 'modern comedian' group!

"Personally, I'd have stopped beforehand - makes it easier to get through Customs and the taxi drivers are not as hostile."


"Possibly the only bloke ever to make Lenny Henry seem like comedy gold."
