Saturday 25 May 2013

Pity The Man Who Is Suzanne Moore's Accountant...

Two gems from Suzanne Moore’s column on house prices:
My pension fund has collapsed. So I reach for a buy-to-let property – yes, the insane spiral of property madness – that was to provide my pension, but must now, I feel, go towards my children. Therefore I have to work for ever, which is as bad for you as it is for me.
Oh, no, Suzanne. Trust me. Reading these columns you churn out (what you describe as ‘work’) is far, far worse for us!
If property is theft, though, do I want to live in a tent? My accountant always asks this patiently when I explain my house is worth a fair bit.
You know, I can almost summon up the image of the expression on the face of the poor man as he asks this. I hope he has good blood pressure medication…


Leg-iron said...

Let's hope she's on the streets in a sleeping bag one day.

JuliaM said...

She won't be. Her sort never are.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Actually she made some very good points in that articles. She has perhaps taken the first small step away from Home-Owner-Ism*

* The insane belief that we get richer if house prices go up. We don't. We get poorer - only the bankers and large landowners get richer.

jonathan said...

She employs an accountant? Tax Avoider!

JuliaM said...
