Despite criticism that the police force, which is having to cut its budget by £30m by 2016, could spend its time better by catching criminals rather than writing jokes about them, Surrey Police's Tandridge Beat has nearly 1,500 'likes' on its webpage.
The police have won a huge following thanks to their casual style and light-hearted posts about their force and its work in Surrey just south of the M25 near Godstone.Meanwhile, earlier in the week, the official Surrey Police feed sent this out:

Yet this sinister invitation to spy on your fellow citizens based on nothing more than envy passed without comment by any national newspaper.
Is is me, or...?
The comments on this story are nearly 100% supportive to the police so the DM will pull it soon I reckon.
How dare the police have a sense of humour!!
Radiator incoming?
It appears that there are a few numpties in the top floor at Police HQ if they have to complain about an obvious joke.
"...which is having to cut its budget by £30m"
And did you read how much our Police Forces have been spending on gagging orders to prevent current and former officers spilling the beans? It's the sort of money (and circumstances) that would once have caused mass sackings and Governments to fall.
The only silver lining for the police (and their dubious lawyer types) is that organisations like the NHS have squandered more, MUCH more.
Shocking, simply shocking!!!
Just as Surrey Police create a positive impression, along come genuine 'numpties' to miss the point completely. Whilst Ranter hasn't dumped on the topic, Jaded and Penise leave something to remind all citizens that any 'intelligent manipulation' by plod was probably another monkey and typewriter coincidence.
"Yet this sinister invitation to spy on your fellow citizens based on nothing more than envy passed without comment by any national newspaper. Is is me, or...?"
It may be you, Julia. Read it again, dear.
Thanks Melvin,I was just thinking to myself "who is the most patronising pompous repetitive cock in the whole world?" and you supplied the answer.
Dear Melv, what Jaded said, you really are a sad, obsessive.
Now I've got that off my chest, I'm not sure I like all this matey twatteriness. It reminds me of old newsreel / BBC announcers discussing 'hep cats' and 'cool kids' and 'squares' in RP' on fillums about rock and roll (Thanks BBC4).
I prefer to hear news about arrested felons delivered in a more professional, factual way. Maybe the local magistrates court or the CPS office dealing with Tandridge crimes could launch their versions updating how ultimately nothing actually happened to most of these recidivists.
I wonder if Surrey's P&CC Kevin Hurley has an opinion.
Maybe I'm really grumpy this morning?
@ WC Jaded
"Thanks Melvin,I was just thinking..."
Je suis sous le choc! I would love to have your brain but the value of an antique and collectible organ is seriously compromised by usage.
"The comments on this story are nearly 100% supportive to the police so the DM will pull it soon I reckon."
No, it's still up! The 'Mail' really doesn't care about anything except what sells newspapers...
"And did you read how much our Police Forces have been spending on gagging orders to prevent current and former officers spilling the beans?"
Yup! I think it must be one of the Signs Your Organisation Is Rotten.
"Maybe the local magistrates court or the CPS office dealing with Tandridge crimes could launch their versions updating how ultimately nothing actually happened to most of these recidivists."
They wisely stay away from the golden PR opportunity of Twitter, preferring to do so in a personal capacity.
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