Monday 27 May 2013

I Knew That 'Sussex Police' Blog Tag Would Come In Useful...

...they do indeed feature a lot for this sort of thing:
Police warned against posting “anti-Islam” comments on social networking sites following the Woolwich tragedy.
A Sussex Police officer, writing on Facebook, said: “It’s been brought to my attention that, following the very sad death of one of our soldiers, comments are being posted that are anti Islam.
“Please don't take part in this by making comments yourself or liking others comments. The vast majority of people, whatever their religion, believe what has happened to be totally unacceptable. Please don't allowed the actions of a tiny minority to colour your views.”
A 'tiny minority'? Oh, Unknown Police Officer, if only it was 'a tiny minority'.

Will this attempt at blatant censorship work?

Heh! Clearly not...


Furor Teutonicus said...

XX comments are being posted that are anti Islam. XX

Maybe we would take the bastard more seriously if "they" were doing something about the myriad of muslim web sites which make "filthy sand nigger" look like something written by the local liberal club ladies afternoon tea dance section.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

Never mind the worthless, imported, mentally deficient sons of jackals like Michael Adebolago.

Just shut up or we'll come and get you, you horrendous white Christian murderers.

James Higham said...

I'll not bite. I'll not bite. [Tells himself].

Furor Teutonicus said...

Go on James. Spit it out! You KNOW it makes sense, and you will feel SO much better for having done it.

John Pickworth said...

“It’s been brought to my attention that... comments are being posted that are anti Islam.


If people purporting to represent that particular 'religion' openly engage in acts of hostility on our streets it's surely not too surprising folk might be a little bit 'anti'?

As for the police, I'd suggest a little less effort dragging gobshites from their beds at 3:20 in the morning and a little more focus on those actually doing the bombing, killing, raping, robbing and drug dealing.

Fahrenheit211 said...

Please excuse my language but Sussex Police can fuck right off. There should be no more a prohibion on criticising Islam as there is a prohibion on criticising Communism.

Me thinks that the police are beginning to panic about the level of objections being voiced to the religion of exploding to pieces.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

Oh, and let's have a round of applause for the police in protecting Andrew Iacovou, the man murdered at the betting shop at Morden on Saturday.

In a case of 'qua ante pedes est, nemo spectat' or something, the police station is right next door. If only Mr Iacovou had put a golliwog in his front window.

Anonymous said...

"...the very sad death of one of our soldiers..."

Sussex Plod trying to make it sound like a Chelsea Pensioner died in his sleep - instead of a young man being run down and beheaded, going about his lawful business in what used to be our capital city.


JuliaM said...

"I'll not bite. I'll not bite. [Tells himself]."

Oh, go on! As Furor points out, better out than in.. ;)

"'s surely not too surprising folk might be a little bit 'anti'?"

And yet all that's happened is a few marches and a bit of window smashing.

Not exactly Kristalnacht, is it?

"Please excuse my language but Sussex Police can fuck right off. "

No excusing needed. It was my first thought too.

"Sussex Plod trying to make it sound like a Chelsea Pensioner died in his sleep.."

Indeed. Why 'death' Why not 'murder', or 'killing'?

It's Facebook, FFS, not Twitter! Does the idiot not realise he doesn't have a 140 character limit?