Tuesday 28 May 2013

Tell Me Again, Do-Gooders, How We Shouldn't Have The Death Penalty?

Three jailed Islamic extremists stabbed a warder and beat him for four hours, after the prison imam called on them to pray for murdered soldier Lee Rigby, it was reported last night.
That went well, then?
The prison's National Tactical Response Group were called and eventually managed to free him and he was taken to hospital with serious injuries.
I do like that 'eventually'..

Four hours is one hell of an 'eventually'.
The gang's leader is said to be an al Qaeda-linked terrorist currently serving a life sentence for plotting to murder a British Muslim soldier, believed to have been an inspiration for last week's attack.
His accomplices were an African-born fanatic and British man who converted to Islam while in prison.
Maybe someone from the Prison Reform Trust should have been sent in first?


rbbarnet said...

off topic but type 'Scootsih raope desn'into google. #on sunday morning I came across the whole article in but it has since been pulled.

It was the usual crap;bending over backwards to tell us that it is not only foerigners involved.

Passed tgrough wolwich recently. It struck me as just another london area that had undergone massive change.

I sense a sea-change.

Dr Cromarty said...

Am I the only person with the words of Colonel Kilgore from Apocolypse Now going through my head:
"Fucking savages!"

Anonymous said...

Apparently quite a few prisoners convert to Islam inside as they receive better food and privileges which are not available for 'non-believers'. I just wonder if all that is worth missing out on the Sunday morning bacon sarnies?

Anonymous said...

Next time offer to trade a BBC or other apologist for Islam in exchange for the victim. They might get the message, or inside story at least. (Conditional of course on the swap being treated identically )

John Pickworth said...

I just wonder if all that is worth missing out on the Sunday morning bacon sarnies?

Stowing the tar brush away... but its not unheard of for certain rules on sex before marriage, drinking, drugs, diet and other naughty-but-nice forbidden things to be ignored when no-one is looking.

Anonymous said...

A member of the Grovellment (ideally Dave or Nick) should have been sent into the cell to explain to them the 'true meaning of Islam' *.

And then the Prison Officers should have tiptoed away to diversity training for several long hours.

*copyright all Islamopologists everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, very bad typo, it should read 'Scottish rape dens'.


JuliaM said...

"It was the usual crap;bending over backwards to tell us that it is not only foerigners involved."

Who are we supposed to believe, them, or out lyin' eyes?

"Am I the only person with the words of Colonel Kilgore from Apocolypse Now going through my head.."

I think some of the actions of that gentleman might come in handy!

" I just wonder if all that is worth missing out on the Sunday morning bacon sarnies?"


JuliaM said...

"And then the Prison Officers should have tiptoed away to diversity training for several long hours."
