Saturday, 28 September 2013

Frankly, Yes. And Long May It Remain So…

A leading UK human rights charity has claimed there is a campaign of intimidation of human rights workers going on at UK borders…
Really? Why?
… after the Terrorism Act was used to detain a Yemeni activist at Gatwick.
Ah. Of course. Who happened to work for that very same charity.
Baraa Shiban, a respected human rights activist who works in Yemen as a project co-ordinator for the London-based legal charity Reprieve and was travelling to London to speak at an event, said he was held for an hour on Monday night and questioned about his work and political views.
Reprieve, the charity founded by the odious Clive Stafford-Smith and dedicated to ensuring scumbags go free, or live behind bars rather than be put to death. Well, for once, the UKBA is on the ball.

And I don't say that often.
Shiban said: "I was stunned when the border agent said I was being held simply because I came from Yemen. It was even more shocking when he spent the entire time asking me about my human rights work and about Reprieve, the charity I work for.
"Is the UK the kind of place that human rights activists are fair game for detention, intimidation and interrogation?"
Let's hope so, in your case!


Anonymous said...

'Human Rights Activist'.... these people seem to think that label gives them rights above all other mere mortals. lefty shit stirrers.

John Pickworth said...

They should detain everyone with the word 'co-ordinator' in their job title. In fact, why wait for them to cross the border... ?

But John, you forgot to include the 'facilitators' too? No I didn't. I just assumed we'd already executed all of those by now.

Greencoat said...

"...a respected human rights activist who works in Yemen as a project co-ordinator for the London-based legal charity Reprieve..."

I reach for my revolver...

Rickie said...

If i am flying into a taliban infested area of Afganistan then i will expect the taliban to wonder if i may have arrived to kill them

CJ Nerd said...

But... they interrogated him by *asking* *questions*!

And they threated to hold him for *up* *to* *nine* *hours*!

And in the end, they actually kept him for *a* *whole* *hour*! (Unless it was half an hour.)


Anonymous said...

Respected ?

I challenge him to find anyone outside of the circle of co-leeches and lawyers that has an iota of respect for him or his charidee.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX A leading UK human rights charity has claimed there is a campaign of intimidation of human rights workers going on at UK borders…XX


Fucking arseholes.

Woman on a Raft said...

How can there be any objection to asking about the work of a leading charity?

Amateur. If I was representing a charity and had a captive audience like that, they would not have got away with less than a 5-hour workshop and having signed a direct-debit form for a monthly donation.

JuliaM said...

"...these people seem to think that label gives them rights above all other mere mortals."


"If i am flying into a taliban infested area of Afganistan then i will expect the taliban to wonder if i may have arrived to kill them"

Just so. Why the surprise when we do the same?


I bet other countries aren't quite as brutal.. ;)

"Amateur. If I was representing a charity and had a captive audience like that, they would not have got away with less than a 5-hour workshop and having signed a direct-debit form for a monthly donation."
