Saturday 20 December 2014

How Many Times Do You Need Reminding That Appeasement Doesn’t Work?

Restaurant Chapter One, in Locksbottom, is serving the controversial 'delicacy' as part of its festive menu.
On Christmas Day, customers can enjoy a starter of 'Terrine Of Chicken and Foie Gras with Pickled Winter Vegetables & Truffle Mayonnaise', and diners on New Years Eve can expect a main consisting of 'Fillet of Beef with Pan Fried Foie Gras, Spinach & Truffled Madeira Sauce'.
I must admit, I'm not a fan of this, it's too rich for my taste. But each to his own.

Of course, there are those for whom 'Live and let live' aren't words to live by:
However, Bromley-based animal rights group Passive Pressure Animal Welfare Group is less than impressed. The group held a protest in the form of a candlelit vigil outside the restaurant, on Sunday November 23.
Armed with placards and signs, the group says this will not be the last if the eatery continues to serve this "unethical delicacy".
Christ, you don't get me picketing veggie restaurants, do you? Why not just not eat it yourselves?
Fellow campaigner and Bromley North resident, Sara Charania, 37, added: "Chapter One have been asked by the public politely to remove this from their menu, they have seen footage of how it is produced.
"They know production is banned in the UK and yet they seem to still want to import it all in the name of profit whilst knowing what miserable existences these helpless birds have."
The restaurant, for once, isn't backing down (yet!) and attempted to appease these loons by displaying the sterling ethical standards of their product.
The restaurant sources its fois gras from supplier Fine France, and a spokesperson for Chapter One said: “Ethically, they [Fine France] object to the industrial methods of obtaining foie gras which are demeaning to the welfare of the birds. They only source and will only ever source traditional Foie Gras rather than the industrial machinery.
“Their products are definitely ethically produced, with a full-respect of traditions, birds and nature.
“Ducks and geese, being migratory birds, have a natural tendency/instinct to gorge on food prior to starting migration.”
It'll be in vain, though. These people can't be swayed by reason.

Maybe a buffer zone would help? After all, once that door is open, anyone can walk through, can't they?


Tim Almond said...

I love it. Thanks for the story. I'm looking for someone and now know about Fine France (who sell via

These organisations always have the footage of the worst farms, of course. The good ones? Well, thing with foie gras is that it's a premium product. They get a more pampered life than a supermarket chicken, as well as a longer one.

This article has quite a fair account of a foie gras producer:

Of course, whether you like foie gras or not, if they succeed, you'll be next. Of course they go after things like this. If they can stop us buying it, they'll be onto veal next, then pet ownership, then factory farming, then lamb, venison, beef and pork.

Anonymous said...

What annoys me is these self appointed guardians of all things not to their taste or sensibilities have never asked me my opinion, yet they protest on my behalf by saying the restaurant has been asked by "the public" to stop.

I chuffing hate it when I hear treehuggers, politicians, Saint Bob et al saying how much WE ALL care about another earthquake/famine/toonarmy/refugee crisis/etc. No I bloody don't.

Now I'm off to see if I can make a booking at that fine establishment.

Flaxen Saxon said...

Let them eat cak.

andy5759 said...

You missed out the e, as a good Yorkshire man I would say; "Eeh, let them eat cak.".

Anonymous said...

I love foie gras! I can't afford Chapter One - full of moneyed Bromley Chavs with no class.

JuliaM said...

"Of course, whether you like foie gras or not, if they succeed, you'll be next."

Spot on! They aren't animal lovers. They are people's pleasure haters.

"I chuffing hate it when I hear treehuggers, politicians, Saint Bob et al saying how much WE ALL care about another earthquake/famine/toonarmy/refugee crisis/etc. No I bloody don't."

That IS particularly irksome. And causes me to mutter oaths.

"I love foie gras!"

Like champagne & truffles, it's overrated.