Wednesday 3 December 2014

I Bet You Didn’t Expect That, Did You?

Mr Alders, of Manor Park Road, wrote to Cllr Bennett to ask what effect Lord Darzi’s proposals, if approved, would have on plans for a KFC drive-thru in West Wickham.
In response, Cllr Bennett wrote: "Bromley Council has no policy of not allowing fast food outlets within 400 yards of a school and in my view should not do.
"Fast food, whether it be hamburgers, chicken, Indian, Chinese or Fish and Chips, sandwiches etc. are all legitimate products.
"Do we also ban shops which sell alcohol, ice cream, cigarettes from a similar radius?
"We live in a free society and frankly such a policy is meaningless, and rather Stalinist."
Oh boy. Let’s have more councillors like this one please!

Mr Alders, however, is not amused, and mounts his High Horse of Indignation:
Mr Alders, who has three children under 13, has backed a campaign to stop a KFC drive-thru from opening on the closed La Rioja restaurant in Wickham Road. He told News Shopper: "Councillor Bennett is completely out of touch with modern day parenting and their concerns over childrens’ health.
"As parents we need to take some responsibility."
That would mean you forbidding your children to eat there, not demanding their removal so no-one has the choice. That’s abnegation of responsibility.
"We can’t just ignore these health issues. We should be trying to change things not just going with the flow. "
"We want to make London a healthier place. Things can change if enough people make a noise about this."
Not if the response of everyone else is ‘Oh, pipe down, you little cockwomble!’, no…
More than 1,700 residents have joined a Facebook group campaigning against plans for the KFC with many claiming it will pose a health hazard to school children.
What, just by existing..?


Anonymous said...

I just knew Mr Alder would have a beard. Full facial hair is the de rigeur look for male timewasters.

Ted Treen said...

"...‘Oh, pipe down, you little cockwomble!’, no… "

I think my response would have been just a tad stronger.

And perhaps with a pointy end.

proglodyte said...

They shouldn't have any problems with their own kids who, by joining the demo, are clearly 100% on board.


Anonymous said...

What percentage of children are likely to be using a "Drive-thru" anyway?

"Drive" being the operating requirement here. If the locals are worried about the cheeeeldren; it's self policing.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Have you the link to thar facefuck grou?

I would like to gentely put my point of view.

Ted Treen said...

To Anon of 11:18

I too have full facial hair (shaving is a waste of time), yet I am not exactly renowned for my happy-clappy liberal attitude to life.

I take your point though, if applied to Grauniad-reading, sandal-wearing Lib Dems who often have full facial hair.

And that's just the women...

Furor Teutonicus said...

I have not shaved for over 30 years now.

I suspect I have even forgoten HOW.

I would think any one who has ever seen me here before will grasp my attitude to happy clappy crochet kincker wearing, lentil munching liberal guardian bastards.

MTG said...

"I have not shaved for over 30 years now."

Game for a sweepstake on the frequency of your hose downs, Füror?

Furor Teutonicus said...

Furor does NOT have an Umlaut.

AS to the rest, you ae´´re just being your idiotic self.

MTG said...

We view from different reference frames, Füror. Some can see a 'laut' whereas you do not.

andy5759 said...

I had a beard, I was a right lefty piece of sh*t too. I got rid because somehow it made my beer go flat. The beard, that is, lefty turds also can put beer off.

JuliaM said...

"They shouldn't have any problems with their own kids who, by joining the demo, are clearly 100% on board. "


"What percentage of children are likely to be using a "Drive-thru" anyway?"

Well, all the Drive-Thrus' round my way also serve pedestrians. Dodging cars won't be a new experience for the kiddiewinks, anyway.

"I would think any one who has ever seen me here before will grasp my attitude to happy clappy crochet kincker wearing, lentil munching liberal guardian bastards."

Well, you can be a bit subtle at times... ;)