Wednesday 28 December 2011

Compare And Contrast....

Evening Standard:
School friend Munawar Shaikh, 20, described the dead youth as a "big personality" who always had a smile on his face. The pair grew up together in Mitcham, south west London and attended Rutlish School at the same time.

Mr Shaikh said: "I heard about it on social network sites. It's devastating, I had lost contact with Seydou but he was such a big personality and a person everyone in Mitcham would know. He was just a good kid who always had a smile on his face."
The victim was a member of the notorious London street gang ABM, which stands for ‘All ’Bout Money’, and the killer was believed to have been involved with the rival 031 Bloods. Territorial clashes between the two South London gangs have claimed several lives since 2007.

On YouTube, the victim appears in a homemade rap video in which he talks about guns and killing (see below). A known gangster, he was facing trial over charges of robbery and assault by beating in relation to an alleged attack in September.

On Boxing Day he is believed to have left his home on a council estate in Mitcham, South London, with other members of ABM with the intention of using the sales crush as cover for shoplifting.
You wouldn't believe they were talking about the same person, would you?

The 'Guardian' has much the same report as the 'Standard', though seems far more concerned with whether a taser was used on the 'angry youths' (the official line is 'no', the unofficial line is 'yes, but only in 'drive stun' mode', most people watching yesterday's video would have been happy to accept 'we rammed it down the little hoodrat's throat and fired until the batteries ran out').

The 'Independent' steers a half-way course. And the 'Times'? Well, as they are behind a paywall, no-one any longer cares what they think...

For some reason, over at 'Inspector Gadget's', this is seen as 'the general anarchy and violent criminality which inevitably follows recession and Tory governments' to which varying retorts spring to mind ('no street rats ever stabbed each other under the reign of the Sainted Tone & Gordo, then?''), the best of which seems to be 'we have a Tory government? Where?'...

I have to wonder why the commenters there so deplore the 'Mail'. It seems to be the only one with no hidden agenda. Perhaps that's the reason?


Mick Turatian said...

I have to wonder why the commenters there so deplore the 'Mail'.

Forgive me pointing out that the Mail doesn't get many plaudits here and you refer to it as the Fail (though you have been known to link to it).

Captain Haddock said...

"A known gangster, he was facing trial over charges of robbery and assault by beating in relation to an alleged attack in September" ...

Quelle surprise ..

Still, its one less to squander taxpayer's money on by keeping in jail .. And there's no appeal process at Coroners Court ..

Win, win I'd say ..

Lynne said...

What Cap'n H said.

Anonymous said...

The Gadgeteers seem to regard the Mail as 'anti-police' which to my mind is bizarre. The DM seems to highlight much of the insanity that Inspector Gadget and his readers do, targets, bureaucracy, lack of support from the courts and the pointlessness of PCSOs; all of which lead to some of the more awful stories of police incompetence, failure to attend and deal and an obsession with PC-ness. The gadgeteers seem to take this too personally and at times you'd think they were all grauniad readers as one or two of the more vocal then seemingly start to defend these things. Incredible at times.
The DM is useful, it doesn't report anything not reported elsewhere but it is at times sensationalist and obsessed with reality TV and general chav-culture. That said it can be like a dog hanging onto a bone - it won't let go over the downright corrupt and criminal behaviour of senior police managers such as my old chum Alibaba Dizee - who, I am given to understand, although suspended is back on full pay (including payment owed whilst inside) and access to certain extra allowances which make up part of his salary i.e. his taxpayer funded 4 x 4. You cannot make it up! Of course ALL the Gadgeteers are the modern UK equivalent of 'Spermwale' Whalen with not a Roscoe Rules among them, all frontline street warriors and not a despised Shiny Trousered Desk Flying Johnnie amongst them. The truth is, among the real 'cops' there are a couple of gobby probbies, one failed City special and more than a few cop groupies. Shame - it used to be so good, I even bought a T-Shirt!

Captain Haddock said...

"Gadgeteers are the modern UK equivalent of 'Spermwale' Whalen with not a Roscoe Rules among them" ..

I wonder which one plays "Ora Lee Tingle" ? ... ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, so did I. Good quality too...still wearable after nearly two years, unlike tescos' which last a few months.
The problem with gadgets site is that it is a police site. If you don't like it, or they don't like you, then you get to "move on".
Who cares about the Daily Fail ?
Not me. I care not-a-lot for any of the 'papers.
reading gadgets site it is very hard, if not impossible, to get around the feeling that if they were all armed there would be a lot less people disagreeing with the police.....and a lot more shot.

English Viking said...

How many non-gang member's lives have been spared in the capital as a result of this violent thug's early retirement?

Woman on a Raft said...

I get them all mixed up. Is this the one who was colloquially known as "Nutz" or it that a different one?

English Viking said...


I know what you mean - they all look the same to me :-)

Andrew said...

'the general anarchy and violent criminality which inevitably follows recession and Tory governments'

Fantastic. The last government tried as much as they could to remove consequence from action. And over the last few years we've seen what this has achieved...

But according to one of the men who's chronicled and complained about this it's all the fault of those nasty Tory bastards.

You'd have thought by now they'd have given up trying to impress the left, wise up to the fact they'll always hate them regardless of what they actually do, and get on with being 'proper' Conservatives.

Conniesdad said...

Gadgets mob are simply the continuation of the "canteen culture", but many groups of colleagues sound much like this. Granted no other group has the authority they have.

The lad in Oxford Street is not much of a loss, apart from to legal aid lawyers who must be crying over the ending of a revenue stream. Worry not my learned friends, there will be another one along in a minute.

Anonymous said...

Bad luck on the memorial manufacturers - nul points for being off'd by another brother.

'the general anarchy and violent criminality which inevitably follows recession and Tory governments'

Or 60 years of uncontrolled & largely unnecessary immigration ?

JuliaM said...

"Forgive me pointing out that the Mail doesn't get many plaudits here.."

Oh, true! When it cocks up, I'm only too happy to point it out. But the commentariat at Gadget's seem to bear it a special animosity.

Possibly for reasons Ranter highlights...

"And there's no appeal process at Coroners Court .."


"That said it can be like a dog hanging onto a bone - it won't let go over the downright corrupt and criminal behaviour of senior police managers such as my old chum Alibaba Dizee..."

Indeed! It's always struck me as quite even-handed.

"Shame - it used to be so good..."

I know :(

JuliaM said...

"I care not-a-lot for any of the 'papers. reading gadgets site it is very hard, if not impossible, to get around the feeling that if they were all armed there would be a lot less people disagreeing with the police.....and a lot more shot."

Would they be the 'right' people though?

"I get them all mixed up. Is this the one who was colloquially known as "Nutz" or it that a different one?"

That's the one!

"I know what you mean - they all look the same to me :-)"


"The last government tried as much as they could to remove consequence from action. And over the last few years we've seen what this has achieved..."

Amazing, isn't it? We can all see it. How can they be so blind?

Maybe because they thought a 'Conservative' government would stuff their mouths with gold?

JuliaM said...

"Worry not my learned friends, there will be another one along in a minute."

I eagerly await the retaliatory stabbings and shootings.

"Or 60 years of uncontrolled & largely unnecessary immigration ?"

It certainly hasn't helped much,. has it?

Dr Evil said...

They deplore the mail because it is honest, at least in this story and factual. You have to ask though why the parents were allowed to settle here in the first place?

Anonymous said...

another black gangsta dead ! mmmmm good news ?