Tuesday 27 December 2011

There Are No Words...

This YouTYube video did the rounds of Twitter last night; it shows the aftermath of (one of) yesterday's stabbings in Oxford Street, and the attempts of the youths 'friends' to push past the police cordon and...and what?

Who knows, but since he's covered in paramedics, it's doubtful they could do any more for him:

Old Holborn considers it a typical vignette of modern Britain (it isn't, see WoaR for a palate cleanser), and Leg-Iron wonders if there was a special on at knife shops.

Me? I just think we're going to see more and more of this, justifying various 'initiatives' and 'crackdowns' in the runup to the runandjumpandswimathon in the summer...


Anonymous said...

More vibrant multiculturalism...

Thanks Labour

P.S. It was the stop and search that did it...

Anonymous said...

I knew it would be the usual suspects (BONAs) just from the pussy-footing coverage on the Al-JaBeeba news.

What a strange and savage infested place the capital has become.

Anonymous said...

The Oxford St murder provoked an almost cry of 'what's the betting it's a bunch of little gangstas killing each other over trainers' from a around a family gathering yesterday! How cynical we have become? How sad too. At film of the store openings at the east london Westfield a similar cry went up' - look at the diversity there'!

Modern Britain eh? Whenever we hear or see the word 'vibrant' in a description of an area we all know that this is barely disguised code for an area where the indigenous are a minority.

Maybe I'm a racist now Father Ted?

Woman on a Raft said...

Thanks for the link.

I am impressed at how quickly the police reacted, contained the situation and managed to arrest some people who are probably the right ones. We'll see.

Barman said...

Modern Britain eh? Whenever we hear or see the word 'vibrant' in a description of an area we all know that this is barely disguised code for an area where the indigenous are a minority.


For 'Vibrant' read 'shit hole'

A salt and battered said...

Police showing restraint and 'gangstas' being what they are.

I must be getting old...I remember the tradition of Xmas shopping on Oxford St when it was largely a white and very polite affair.

Uncle Badger said...

All I want to know is precisely when did 'ON Oxford Street' become the prescribed form by the BBC?

For an organisation which has a special place in hell for all things American, it adopts these grating changes to the language with real enthusiasm.

Mark said...

Ranter- you suspicions would appear to be correct-


Mind you, some of the details in this report don't ring quite as true. Judging by the pics of the victim dressed up in his bling, and his full name, he seems more likely to have been West African rather than Somali, as stated here.

Although the Daily Fail report doesn't mention it, both the victim, and his friend quoted therein, Munawar Sheikh, went to the same school as John Major- Rutlish High. Compared to the his schooldays in the stuffy, repressed fifties, the ex-PM's Alma Mater must now be positively brimming with vibrancy.

Anonymous said...

I drove through the top of Oxford St yesterday at about 5pm to visit relatives with my family in the car.I said to my wife "oh look there's some white people over there".She replied "oh no it's just the reflection of us driving past a plate glass window".

If you analyse this video the actions of the "gangstas" are so predictable.Death stalks them all but when it happens in front of them they have to show pretend grief and outrage whilst provoking babylon as if it's their fault.They then strut away with their trousers around their knees muttering about retribution.

The circle of life in scumville.

Anonymous said...

I drove through the top of Oxford St yesterday at about 5pm to visit relatives with my family in the car.I said to my wife "oh look there's some white people over there".She replied "oh no it's just the reflection of us driving past a plate glass window".

If you analyse this video the actions of the "gangstas" are so predictable.Death stalks them all but when it happens in front of them they have to show pretend grief and outrage whilst provoking babylon as if it's their fault.They then strut away with their trousers around their knees muttering about retribution.

The circle of life in scumville.

Anonymous said...

Whoops,sorry for the repeat,PC playing up.(Not that PC Melvin!)

Dave h said...

"He was just a good kid who always had a smile on his face. I have not had a chance to go out yet but I imagine everybody will be cut up about it."

Only a very evil person could smile at that last remark. I'm definitely going to Hell.

Anonymous said...

See you there Dave H!

Anonymous said...

Organised monas who behave like unemployed yobs, have the means to afford Oxford St treats. Really? Terrible of me to say it but they can't all be successful rappers.

It all falls into place with the pivotal reference to 'shoplifting gangs fighting over spoils'. Retailers must suffer a double whammy if honest customers become intimidated by these performances.

blueknight said...

Any chance of a public enquiry into WTF has happened to England?

Anonymous said...

OK, so now we wait for the Facespace tributes to come along, which will uniformly attest to the fact that the UK lost one of its future brightest breakthrough stars in the world of medicine/architecture/brain surgery/music/cancer research/olympic hopeful/engineering or whatever.^

^ Insert aspirational career of choice which the DDN brigade are always right on the verge of breaking into when cut down.

andy said...

And I have no doubt that he was a talented footballer who wanted to be an architect and was good to his old mum etc etc etc ad nauseum.
When in truth he was most likely a horrible piece of shit and his death has left the world a little bit richer.
Either way its one less of the bastards.

JuliaM said...

"P.S. It was the stop and search that did it..."

The 'CiF' mob are probably composing their columns right now...

"I knew it would be the usual suspects (BONAs) just from the pussy-footing coverage on the Al-JaBeeba news."

Check out this morning's post for a glimpse of the differing coverage. It's like they don't even realise we can all see through it...

"The Oxford St murder provoked an almost cry of 'what's the betting it's a bunch of little gangstas killing each other over trainers' from a around a family gathering yesterday! How cynical we have become? "

Or how realist?

So much for the concept that 'any man's death diminishes me'. I think I'm not at all diminished today...

"I am impressed at how quickly the police reacted, contained the situation and managed to arrest some people who are probably the right ones. "

I think it might have helped that he turns out to have been well known to them. Just like that other 'much missed family man and all round good egg', Mark Duggan.

Dr Cromarty said...

To quote Col. Kilgore in Apocalypse Now:
"F****** savages."

JuliaM said...

"I must be getting old...I remember the tradition of Xmas shopping on Oxford St when it was largely a white and very polite affair."

Well, I don't know about 'polite'. Ladies in shopping frenzy are one of nature's greatest spectacles.

Like shoaling piranhas... ;)

"All I want to know is precisely when did 'ON Oxford Street' become the prescribed form by the BBC?"

Yup, that one's like fingernails on a blackboard, isn't it?

"Judging by the pics of the victim dressed up in his bling, and his full name, he seems more likely to have been West African rather than Somali, as stated here."

According to the 'Mail', his parent's origins are Ivory Coast.

"If you analyse this video the actions of the "gangstas" are so predictable.Death stalks them all but when it happens in front of them they have to show pretend grief and outrage whilst provoking babylon as if it's their fault."

The FecesBook tributes are, I'm sure, amazing to behold...

JuliaM said...

"Only a very evil person could smile at that last remark. I'm definitely going to Hell."

I'll be joining you and Ranter! :D

"Retailers must suffer a double whammy if honest customers become intimidated by these performances."

Plus the closing of part of our main shopping centre for 'forensics'...

"Either way its one less of the bastards."

Oh, this is often a gift that keeps on giving; there'll be the inevitable retaliatory attacks.

Think of it as germs - if they're killing each other, they're not infecting us...

A salt and battered said...

"Well, I don't know about 'polite'. Ladies in shopping frenzy are one of nature's greatest spectacles.

Like shoaling piranhas... ;)"

Shopping at the 'Sales' makes as much sense as a dip in the Mara at peak migration time, alongside starving crocs and mad wildebeest.

Mark said...

'According to the 'Mail', his parent's origins are Ivory Coast.'

JuliaM- The Mail's report was updated at 12.31AM this morning, and is a corrected version of the one I saw yesterday. It also includes (as you point out elsewhere!) a lot of background info on the victim that other media outlets (including the Beeb, surprise surprise), are too squeamish to mention- so hat-tip to the Mail on this occasion.