Saturday 17 December 2011

The Justice System Shouldn’t Be A Card Game!

Robyn Driscoll (24), who was said to suffered a troubled childhood, was spared prison for her part in a burglary on a parish church.
They burgled a church? Not, as you might think these days, for the lead either:
Driscoll, with two men, spilled communion wine, stole a silver box for Holy Communion wafers, a gold plate and a projector, together worth £2,000, Leicester Crown Court was told this week.
But that was an afterthought:
Prosecutor Justin Wigoder said Driscoll and the two men in their 30s were found in a hedge in the early hours by police, after they had triggered an alarm at a convenience store they had just broken into.

He said the officers found £1,500 worth of drink, cigarettes and scratch cards in a bin liner they had taken from the Barrow Express shop in Barrow-upon-Soar.
Forgetting any thought of feminism’s accomplishments over the last few decades, her defence was ‘The men done led me astray, yer honour!’:
Paul Prior, for Driscoll, of Westleigh Road, Glen Parva, said the men were the instigators of the crimes and that his client had no previous convictions.

He said she had suffered a deeply troubled childhood which had turned her to heroin and alcohol.
Did it work? Well, what do you think?
Judge Simon Hammond told Driscoll: "What you did was despicable, in breaking into a place of worship and stealing.

"I am convinced the men were the instigators and you went along for the ride.

"It is clear that you have been dealt a very bad deal by life.

"I am going to deal you a good card to allow you to put what has happened to you behind you."
And deal the church and the owners of the convenience store, not to mention society itself, a bum one…


Captain Haddock said...

"Judge Simon Hammond told Driscoll: "What you did was despicable, in breaking into a place of worship and stealing.

"I am convinced the men were the instigators and you went along for the ride.

"It is clear that you have been dealt a very bad deal by life.

"I am going to deal you a good card to allow you to put what has happened to you behind you."
And deal the church and the owners of the convenience store, not to mention society itself, a bum one" …

And I'm willing to bet next month's pension money on the fact that if that "place of worship" had been a mosque, the outcome would have been very different ..

Anonymous said...

I think i might have mentioned before.....women should not be held accountable for their actions. It's always a man's fault.

Oh where's that chap to say her daddy must be a freemason....looks like all women have freemason fathers !!!! Pity for these chaps that their daddy's weren't lodge members.

Freemasons...freemasons...what is it with you and the

Anonymous said...

Hmm, let me see, 'no previous convictions' - of course she hasn't, because every time she's probably been involved before she's been let off because - 'it waz de nasty man wat made me do it', 'I didn't have an ipod when I was growing up' and of course 'I have ovaries which means I am an angel in human form, never cheat, lie or steal, am better than any man (whilst needing ten times as much in benefits) and if I did get caught doing something wrong then that only shows that failing society/nasty men/corrupt police are out to get me - Wimmin are permanent victims'.

For the record I'm not a misogynist, I just hate the constant hypocrisy and positive discrimination in favour of certain politically acceptable sections of the population which long ago destroyed any semblance of (impartial) justice in this country.

JuliaM said...

"And I'm willing to bet next month's pension money on the fact that if that "place of worship" had been a mosque, the outcome would have been very different .."

Indeed! Stoning, probably...

"I think i might have mentioned before.....women should not be held accountable for their actions."

It is quite remarkable how many judges seem to take this view, isn't it?

"For the record I'm not a misogynist, I just hate the constant hypocrisy and positive discrimination..."
