Sunday 18 December 2011

We Must Act Now To Halt The Rise In Wife Crime!

A man on holiday with his family at Pendine Holiday Park became drunk and threw a knife at a doorman at the park's clubhouse.
Wait, that’s not quite right…

*reads sentence again*

A man on holiday with his family at Pendine Holiday Park became drunk and threw his wife at a doorman at the park's clubhouse.
Defence Solicitor Kate Williams said: "He has very little recollection of the evening and accepts he was intoxicated.

"He takes his family responsibility very seriously and feels very disappointed that what should have been a family holiday ended in court here today."
Perhaps he should stop getting drunk and throwing his weight…sorry, his wife around?


Captain Haddock said...

Was he arrested under the Wildwife & Countryside Act ? .. ;)

On t'other hand, she could have been a dwarf .. and he was just getting-in a bit of impromptu practice ..

Leg-iron said...

If Nick Clegg gets his way, men will soon be locked up if they are caught in possession of a wife in a public place.

Even if they never attack anyone with her.

Jiks said...

Young people today and their throw-away relationships, oh dear ...

JuliaM said...

"Was he arrested under the Wildwife & Countryside Act ? "


"If Nick Clegg gets his way, men will soon be locked up if they are caught in possession of a wife in a public place."

Luckily, Cameron seems to be making it his life's work to see Clegg doesn't get his way. On anything.

Good, let them fight it out and leave us alone!

"Young people today and their throw-away relationships, oh dear ..."
