Friday 23 December 2011

On The Twelfth Day Of Christmas, Multiculturalism Gave To Me...

unevictable additions to the criminal classes:
Alphonse Semo, 54, was jailed for eight years for the rape and at the end of his term was due to be sent back to the Congo.

However two hours before his flight he was given permission to marry his girlfriend and stay in the country.

Now a judge has allowed the father-of-five to be released from an immigration detention centre.
But hey, since he’s tagged, what’s the worst that could happen?

Also, workers who are fluent in...anything but English, Tube disruption caused by foreign disputes, 'honor killings' (otherwise known as murder), new and interesting ways to break smoking laws, names on court listings that sound like they came out of a bag of ‘Scrabble’, many interesting and lucrative jobs for lawyers, new and interesting methods of fraud, a feeling of being 'untouchable', the marginalising of our Christian heritage, the concept of victim perception of racism and a partridge in a cardboard box.

Footnote: When I started this series (after spotting the partridge story) I was expecting to have to go back and raid my (or other bloggers) previous stories for the other eleven. Little did I know I'd be spoiled for choice in the current news...


Captain Haddock said...

"Little did I know I'd be spoiled for choice in the current news" ...

Britain is now officially designated a target-rich environment for dirty doings, foul play etc .. all directed at the indigenous population ..

Mainly thanks to those two prize arseholes Blair & Brown ..

Yet those with mental health problems will still vote Labour ..

Anonymous said...

Tell me about it Captain, my cousin was beaten and raped by one of New Labour's 'culturally enriched' change agents. I'm waiting (11 years) patiently for his release.

BLiar is a dead man walking

Brown was/is a lunatic.


Captain Haddock said...

Yep .. Britain needs this Congolese arsehole about as much as a fish needs a bicycle ..

"BLiar is a dead man walking

Brown was/is a lunatic" ...

I'm fully in support of both Blair & Brown being granted State Funerals, complete with 21 gun salutes ..

All rounds to be fired directly into their skulls, just to ensure that the bastards are really dead ..

JuliaM said...

"All rounds to be fired directly into their skulls, just to ensure that the bastards are really dead .."

The rot started long before them, they just accelerated the decline.

Captain Haddock said...

"The rot started long before them, they just accelerated the decline" ...

Maybe .. But Blair introduced the iniquitous HRA which prevents us from ridding ourselves of people like this Congolese shitbag ..

Brown did nothing to alter that legislation ..

Whilst those in opposition at the time & since have done nothing to rectify the ludicrous situation ..

Damn all politicians, lawyers & wet-as-cans-of-piss, limp-wristed, liberal apologists to hell and back !

Anonymous said...

This bloke must be innocent. Plod probably fitted him know what they are like..!!!!!!!
Eh...They should be out picking on motorists who kill people. This bloke ain't killed anyone.
Or are we being mature?

JuliaM said...

"Brown did nothing to alter that legislation .."

And nor, it seems, is Cameron...