Thursday 22 December 2011

Ah, The Benefits Of Unrestricted Working Rights In The EU!

Ignoring roadside warning signs, Daniel Gyongyosi turned his 30-ton lorry into this narrow lane, jack-knifing on the tight corner before becoming stuck between Grade I-listed buildings.

As Gyongyosi tried to manoeuvre his rig free, one of the lorry's tyres exploded causing even more damage.
The bill for his error was made up of £80,000 of spilled olive oil, £15,000 damage to a 17th century house and the writing-off of the £20,000 trailer. It took 16 hours to free the HGV.
While the residents had to be evacuated…
In all, he caused more than £115,000 worth of damage but, remarkably, the Hungarian – who does not speak English – was let off with a fine of just £40.

I just…
Defence lawyer Evelyn Hicks said: ‘He has fallen well below the standard of what is required of a competent and careful driver.

'His employers in Hungary will treat him harshly and his momentary lapse in concentration may result in him losing his job, despite 30 years of competent driving.'
Yes, those are known as ‘consequences’.
Residents and businesses affected by the blundering driver were stunned by the small fine.
Me too…


I put the pest in Buda said...

How did they enforce him paying the fine? Perhaps he asked for "time to pay" and will pay it in 1 euro amounts next time he's here.

I do hope though we provided full legal aid and offered counselling. I would hate anyone to think we didn't care about Europe.

A salt and battered said...

And we wonder why we feel cynical before breakfast.

Captain Haddock said...

" .. the Hungarian – who does not speak English .. "

So no doubt he was provided with translations & an Interruptor at our expense too ...

Britain .. the only country in the world where taking the piss really pays dividends ...

Bucko said...

I got fined more than that for having a rusty front wing.

JuliaM said...

"I do hope though we provided full legal aid and offered counselling."

I've no doubt we did!

"Britain .. the only country in the world where taking the piss really pays dividends ..."

It really does!

"I got fined more than that for having a rusty front wing."
