Wednesday 28 December 2011

Yr Doin’ It Wrong, Love…

…it’s rape claims, not knife attack claims:
Frankcom, who ran a shop in Deardengate, Haslingden, for 11 years, giving lessons in piano, keyboard, violin and guitar, claimed she was a victim of a series of knife attacks by the same offender.
Her own personal serial attacker!
She told the police she had been targeted by two males who had attacked her with a knife at her music shop on Bridge Street, Darwen on October 20, 2010.

She then claimed she had been the victim of a similar attack in a car park in Bath Street, Darwen, on November 3.

The third attack was reported on January 22, 2011 when Frankcom claimed she had been approached by the same offender as she put the rubbish out at her home on Astley Bank, Darwen.

She said the man had threatened her and slashed her arm with a knife before she managed to struggle free.

She also claimed she was receiving threatening text messages and letters to her home and shop.
And so they swung into action:
Detectives carried out forensic searches, house to house inquiries and CCTV analysis.
Not cheap. Not cheap at all.

And a completely wasted effort. She made it all up.
Speaking after sentencing, DI Mark Winstanley said: “Frankcom falsely claimed she was a victim of three very serious offences and we put a significant amount of resources into investigating her claims.

“This was a significant drain on police resources and whilst we would always urge all genuine victims to come forward and report incidents to the police, anyone making malicious claims will be dealt with robustly and brought to justice.”
Unless they make a false rape claim, in which case West Midlands Police'll let ‘em off with a FPN!
Frankcom will be sentenced in January .
One to watch…


Captain Haddock said...

She needs to be put into a "rubber room" where she can do no further harm to other people ..

Anonymous said...

No, no, no! She'll have been forced to make these spurious claims by some evil male (even if he didn't know he was doing it), or it's this terrible misogynistic society which has failed to give her the support she needs, or...

With a 'brass neck' like that she'd go far as a climate scientist, member of ASH or the BMA. Chances are though she'll be elected as a Member of Parliament at the next election - she'd fit right in.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to note that tesco dot com, via their free WiFi in the Bedford store, disallow this site because it is either a "fishing" site of "controversial"

JuliaM said...

"She'll have been forced to make these spurious claims by some evil male..."

Oh, undoubtedly!

"Interesting to note that tesco dot com, via their free WiFi in the Bedford store, disallow this site because it is either a "fishing" site of "controversial""

Well, I think it'd have to be the latter! I like fish, but I've never yet caught one...

Anonymous said...

And yet some airlines would prefer it if a child travelling by themselves sit next to this lying woman than a good man. Funny old world.