Wednesday 21 December 2011

On The Tenth Day Of Christmas, Multiculturalism Gave To Me...

Tube disruption caused by foreign disputes:
A group of more than 200 DR Congo demonstrators have caused an emergency evacuation of Oxford Circus Tube station in central London, British Transport Police (BTP) has said.

They set off a passenger alarm on a train they had boarded following an earlier protest in Whitehall over their country's political situation.
Just what you want at Christmas. And no, of course no arrests were made...

Also, 'honor killings' (otherwise known as murder), new and interesting ways to break smoking laws, names on court listings that sound like they came out of a bag of ‘Scrabble’, many interesting and lucrative jobs for lawyers, new and interesting methods of fraud, a feeling of being 'untouchable', the marginalising of our Christian heritage, the concept of victim perception of racism and a partridge in a cardboard box.


David Gillies said...

I wondered if it were possible to give less of a shit about the fate of the Congo and then, mirabile dictu, I found it was. If Kabila wants to put a few of these cretins on big wooden spikes, he's got my vote.

Anonymous said...

julia, these fuckwits caused chaos a couple of weeks ago in Whitehall where there were tens of arrests causing utter mayhem and they have been these little upsets for a year or more. Nothing seems to happen to them in the courts, they cost thousands of pounds to deal with because of course they all need doctors, social workers and lawyers ,...oh...and translators. The HRA seems to be the reason they aren't shipped off on a jumbo bound for de Congo and dealt with by those nice Congolese police and army types. No-one here gives a toss what they are on about and we all wish they'd piss off.

Captain Haddock said...

"And no, of course no arrests were made" ...

Hardly surprising really .. I wouldn't fancy ending up in somebodies cooking pot either, especially not just before Chrimbo .. let 'em buy a Turkey, like every other bugger .. ;)

Dan said...

There's a similar bunch of admittedly much less violent nitwits who would appear to be protesting about the political situation in Syria. Unfortunately, their chosen forum is a dark and dingy space by the side of Oxford Road in Manchester, just by the BBC building there. This building was in fact sold to a developer back in April of this year, so the only activity going on inside is decommissioning work and the odds of a friendly BBC camera crew turning up are slim at best.

They also chant and shout in something other than English, and brandish banners inscribed with Arabic lettering. Now, I am vaguely skilled in French, have a beginner's grasp of Italian and so on, but Arabic defeats me and I suspect most other commuters. The whole thing is basically pointless gibbering and only serves to waste the time of the officers deployed to police the demonstration. Quite why the daft buggers haven't simply been told to sod off or be arrested, I really don't know.

Mick Turatian said...

...for another bit of multicultural joy mingled with Euro-happiness.

The UK can't send to Greece an asylum seeker who first set foot in Greece before making his way to the UK via a turkish jail.

For why?

Because Greece is not sufficiently nice to asylum seekers.

Please, Santa, get us out of this.

Anonymous said...

They're at it again on Saturday in Central London. All wearing their combat gear.....isn't there a law against wearing uniforms in public? Time for some Umbongo!

Frank said...

Dear Julia,
Wasn't this the protest covered by mitchell images? I am sure there were over 150 arrests. Of course it could have been another demo by people living here as guests about conditions in their own country.

James Higham said...

You've been busy there.

Trevor said...

Dan said: ...but Arabic defeats me and I suspect most other commuters.
I'm not convinced that it's a bona fide language rather than simply the unpleasant noise that inevitably accompanies expectoration.

Anonymous said...

It sickens me when we have to police these protests from countries that absolutely no-one gives a toss about over here.
I was on one of these last year.Can't even remember which shit-hole was being demonstrated against.Libya?Syria?Egypt?Who cares? I thought to myself "how brave to shout at the embassy behind massed police lines,why don't you f**k off and protest in the actual country you are so bothered about?".The sandwiches were nice at the feeding centre as I recall.

andy said...

When the hell is this country going to start getting serious about these foreigners who feel London is a good place to fight their battles?
And NO arrests were made?

Can you imagine the police response if it had been the EDL that had caused the Tube stoppage?
As always the race card trumps all.

AndrewWS said...

Talking of disruptive foreigners, can anyone confirm or deny that there is to be a great big memorial meeting/demo celebrating the life of the late Kim Jong-Il in London on Friday?

Captain Haddock said...

" .. can anyone confirm or deny that there is to be a great big memorial meeting/demo celebrating the life of the late Kim Jong-Il in London on Friday? "

If there is people would be wise to lock their dogs indoors & you can bet the price of cabbages will go through the roof .. ;)

JuliaM said...

"I wondered if it were possible to give less of a shit about the fate of the Congo and then, mirabile dictu, I found it was."

:D This is a public service blog.

"julia, these fuckwits caused chaos a couple of weeks ago in Whitehall.."

Ah, yes, I saw that on mitchell-images' blog, as Frank points out.

I suspect it was a separate demo, and we'll no doubt have yet more../

"There's a similar bunch of admittedly much less violent nitwits who would appear to be protesting about the political situation in Syria."

*rolls eyes* Why does London have to put up with this? The Tamils last year were bad enough!

"...for another bit of multicultural joy mingled with Euro-happiness."


JuliaM said...

"They're at it again on Saturday in Central London."

If AndrewWS is correct, maybe they'll meet up with the grieving Koreans and they can all fight amongst themselves!

"Wasn't this the protest covered by mitchell images? "

I think it's an earlier one, looking at the dates.

"You've been busy there."

I'm always busy... ;)

"I was on one of these last year.Can't even remember which shit-hole was being demonstrated against."

One where the police wouldn't just be standing there passively, I suspect! That's why they come here.

"Talking of disruptive foreigners, can anyone confirm or deny that there is to be a great big memorial meeting/demo celebrating the life of the late Kim Jong-Il in London on Friday?"

Mitchell-images probably can. He's bound to be photographing it if it kicks off.

Brit for Brits said...

what a jolly jape. You impose yourself on a country but care so much for what's happening 'back home' you mount a disruptive protest in your adopted land.

Now let me see... if I went to the Congo (perish the thought) and protested about EMA how would I be treated byt the Congo authorities?

Yes, I thought so too.

Surreptitious Evil said...

"isn't there a law against wearing uniforms in public?"

Only British Uniforms are covered by the Uniforms Act 1894. It is military training that is covered by the Unlawful Drilling Act 1819.

s1(1) of the Public Order Act 1936 (banning the wearing of uniforms signifying association iwht political organisations or objectives) is still in force but, as the Orange Disorder show, rarely enforced as it requires the A-G's permission and since the repeal of s7(3), plod can't arrest for it without a warrant.