Friday 30 December 2011

Just To See Out 2011....

An 18-year-old woman has been raped in a pub car park in Sleaford.

The victim was discovered in a distressed state behind the Nags Head pub at 2.14am on Christmas Day and stated that she been raped and violently assaulted.
Disgraceful! Sharpen the pitchforks! Hunt down the...

Oh. Wait:
Police investigating a report of a rape in a pub car park in Lincolnshire have confirmed that no sexual assault took place.
I wonder how many of these we'll see in 2012?


Demetrius said...
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Anonymous said...

Did the cheque bounce?

Captain Haddock said...

Having been to Sleaford once (it was shut) .. I suppose I can excuse the terminal boredom which drove this gronk to make such a false claim ..

The highlight of many a local kids outing is to be allowed to watch the Traffic lights change colour .. ;)

Mark Wadsworth said...

This used to be one of your specialist subjects. Either we've had far fewer recently, or I've not been paying attention.

Sylvia Slut said...

The biggest thrill of sex is deciding whether it was rape.

blueknight said...

...the rape took place between 12.45am and 2am.

What a man.

English Viking said...

I went to Sleaford once, and I didn't get sexually assaulted either.


JuliaM said...

"This used to be one of your specialist subjects. Either we've had far fewer recently, or I've not been paying attention."

98 in total (some are foreign cases), 3 in 2008, 17 in 2009, 42 in 2010 and 36 in 2011....

"What a man."