Tuesday 20 December 2011

On The Ninth Day Of Christmas, Multiculturalism Gave To Me...

...'honor killings' (otherwise known as murder):
Nearly 3,000 so-called honour attacks were recorded by police in Britain last year, new research has revealed.

According to figures obtained by the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (Ikwro), at least 2,823 incidents of 'honour-based' violence took place, with the highest number recorded in London.
But a small price to pay, surely, for the vibrancy of our high streets? And a story Pavlov's Cat sent to me by email bears watching too.

It may no longer just be a purely inter-cultural-group habit...

Also, new and interesting ways to break smoking laws, names on court listings that sound like they came out of a bag of ‘Scrabble’, many interesting and lucrative jobs for lawyers, new and interesting methods of fraud, a feeling of being 'untouchable', the marginalising of our Christian heritage, the concept of victim perception of racism and a partridge in a cardboard box.


Tattyfalarr said...

Curious how Harriet Harpie et al are a bit quiet on this one.

Anonymous said...

Murder - glad to see that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed at the typical PC - 'let's rename something to make it sound more culturally sensitive' crap.

The bit that had me swearing (again) was:

"A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) spokesman said: 'Honour-based violence cuts across all cultures, nationalities and faith groups - it is a worldwide problem."

Oh yes, the imprisonment, abuse, mutilation and murder of all those Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Zoroastrian... women is at such epidemic proportions you can't set foot outside without falling over one. And cultures? Oh all those poor Swedish, Australian, Chinese,... ladies. (What's the betting the 'spokesman' was Muslim? After all they have to have their own police, courts, laws,....).

Personally I think it is a massively under-reported crime anyway. Walk into a London A&E department and notice how many Muslim women have repeat attendances for 'accidents' - apparently wearing a Hijab means you are 100 times as likely to walk into a door, fall down the stairs, spill boiling liquids on yourself or accidentally stab a part of your anatomy whilst peeling the vegetables - sometimes all at the same time. (Where is H&S there I wonder?),

Oh, and most of the women accompanying the victims of these 'accidents' are worse than the men (wonder how much of this is instigated at their insistence to 'settle scores' or make themselves look good).

Hexe Froschbein said...

Well, given that killing of brutal hubsters is quasi-legal in the UK, all those ladies need to do is to get in there first and Bobbita will be their aunt.

Jokes aside, I don't think we have all that long to go before we see one of those girls slay their entire family, if not for survival, then to avenge the betrayal.

Woman on a Raft said...

I suggest that a modest campaign to replace the word 'honour' with 'status' would be appropriate.

In these murders 'status' is an appropriate translation as that is what the killers hope to restore and to demonstrate by killing with out regard to the law of this land. They are no different from punishment beatings handed out by Mr Bridger and the purpose is roughly the same, except that the death of the defiant one is achieved rather than pedestrian intimidation.

The status-murders are also well known in the community. Indeed, they HAVE to be otherwise the status of the family would not be demonstrated by killing with impunity.

JuliaM said...

"Curious how Harriet Harpie et al are a bit quiet on this one."

Isn't it just..?

"...glad to see that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed at the typical PC - 'let's rename something to make it sound more culturally sensitive' crap."

It really annoys me. That and 'joyriding' as well as 'graffiti'.

"... I don't think we have all that long to go before we see one of those girls slay their entire family, if not for survival, then to avenge the betrayal."

By the law of averages, you'd think it was bound to happen.

"I suggest that a modest campaign to replace the word 'honour' with 'status' would be appropriate."

Sounds appropriate; it can be lumped in with 'status dog'!

Home thoughts from abroad said...

I know I am a klutz, but shouldn't the "Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation" be operating somewhere else in the world?