Thursday 29 December 2011

Well, Actually, He Could ‘Help It’….

The partner of a father-of-two who was killed when the car he was driving hit a tree has spoken of his death for the first time.
Oh, such a sad story, and…

Oh. Wait:
Notts Police said Dale Wilson, 26, was driving a stolen car when he crashed in Moor Lane at 11pm on November 14.

Three police cars were following the vehicle at the time of the crash.
Ooooh, where’s my….

Ah, yes. Here it is:

Miss Lloyd said she is still unsure of the exact circumstances of the crash, which is making it difficult to come to terms with his death.

"I think all I want to know is how exactly he died, and if I find out he couldn't help it then my mind would be put at rest," she said.
He could have helped it though, couldn’t he? He could have:

a) Not stolen a car
b) Stopped when ordered to do so by the police, and
c) Worn a seatbelt.

Since he didn’t do any of those things, he’s dead. I can’t help feeling that, somehow, the world isn’t a poorer place, though.
Her parents Colin, 47, and Lynn, 48, are also hoping the investigation will give their daughter and grandchildren some answers.

The couple say Mr Wilson was like a son to them.

Mr Lloyd said: "It's awful those kids have been left without a dad three weeks before Christmas."
Doesn’t really sound like he was that much of a dad.

The comment thread (assuming it's still active by now) is, as expected, chav-tastic!


Anonymous said...

Great comments indeed with the majority also playing their tiny violins! Amazing that the Old Bill are blamed - yet again. I think Mrs TWOCer should be blaming the courts because if he had been sentenced properly for his previous conviction he might well be alive and well albeit banged up at HM's pleasure. That said he may well have been sentenced properly but because no Home Sec/MOJ wants to embark on a massive prison building scheme or outsource extra facilities in Nigeria, Somalia, de Congo and Romania/Albania he was released very early indeed!


Not a regular here honest guv' said...

Oh boy, this one is quite literally very close to home so I had best be somewhat circumspect!

“An Independent Police Complaints Commission investigation is looking into the circumstances surrounding Mr Wilson's death and whether police gained the appropriate authority to pursue the car.” What does that mean I wonder, do the police need to fill in a bunch of forms and conduct a risk assessment before actually chasing any villains these days?

Best I say no more and in fact shall adopt an unconvincing disguise...

Anonymous said...

I think it was the car owners fault for leaving his vehicle parked on his driveway in such a tempting way.

blueknight said...

What does that mean I wonder, do the police need to fill in a bunch of forms and conduct a risk assessment before actually chasing any villains these days?

You are not far from the truth....

AndrewWS said...

Interesting that 'justoneparent' puts in a repeat performance. Presumably he/she hasn't anything better to do ...

JuliaM said...

"Amazing that the Old Bill are blamed - yet again."

Not amazing. Just expected, from this sort of 'community'.

" What does that mean I wonder, do the police need to fill in a bunch of forms and conduct a risk assessment before actually chasing any villains these days?"

It can't be long, can it?

Mind you, I seem to remember reading quite a bit about the frustrations of officers forced by control to discontinue pursuit in case the villain hurts himself.

Other people, fair enough. But the villain? Screw 'em!

"I think it was the car owners fault for leaving his vehicle parked on his driveway in such a tempting way."

There's a defence brief somewhere sulking he never got to use that one!

"You are not far from the truth...."

I can well believe it!

"Interesting that 'justoneparent' puts in a repeat performance. Presumably he/she hasn't anything better to do ..."

It shows up at a few other threads too.

Bose said...

The reason is simple, your the only reason for what every u do. blame none. Army Risk Assessment Form