Police received a report of a robbery at Star Fashions in The Square, at 2.10pm when it is believed two offenders, entered the shop and demanded access to the adjacent Asian Gold Store.So, any descriptions? Well, no. Since they wore burkhas.
The offenders left the scene in a black car, possibly a Fiat 500.Not the best getaway vehicle, you might have thought, but hey, I guess it worked.
DS Luke Grove, who is investigating the incident, said: “I would like to reassure the public that incidents of this nature are uncommon in Milton Keynes...Well, that's comforting.
H/T: Ron Hughes via email
DS Luke Grove, who is investigating the incident, said: “I would like to reassure the public that incidents of this nature are uncommon in Milton Keynes
That's a relief. Not exactly Raoul Moat-style lockdown then.
I think that the miscreants have twigged that burkhas are unlikely to attract stop 'n' search attention. If they'd been carrying shotguns, the crime would have been attributed to Daleks.
They should have given a hat tip to the Red-Headed League, though that was carried out more elegantly.
How would I buy a burkha? I'd only do it for comedic effect, something that the vendor might discern. I could hardly say it was for my wife or sister, (a) because I don't look the sort, and (b) they are size 10.
"I'd like a burkha for my wife, please, that nice black one there that covers the eyes so well. Ah, she's 6'2" and weighs about 15 1/2 stone"
What incidents? Robberies or burkha wearing thieves? Stupid statement
How would I buy a burkha?
Online? Try Amazon. Seriously.
In a properly run country the shopkeeper would simply have reached under the counter for his Glock 40 or his Colt 1911 Model .45 and ended the matter with a couple of well-placed rounds.
Then the police would have been able to find out if the deceased was carrying a real or fake weapon.
Makes their job that much easier.
"They should have given a hat tip to the Red-Headed League, though that was carried out more elegantly."
Modern scumbags. No panache... ;)
"What incidents? Robberies or burkha wearing thieves? Stupid statement"
The typical modern PC boilerplate.
"Online? Try Amazon. Seriously."
I've got a set of old curtains. I figure, if it comes to it, they'll do.
"In a properly run country the shopkeeper would simply have reached under the counter for his Glock 40 or his Colt 1911 Model .45 and ended the matter with a couple of well-placed rounds. "
Very true!
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