Sunday, 6 October 2019

It's A Sticky Situation...

And one Labour politicians so often find themselves in!

H/T: Mike Gooding via email


Anonymous said...

The saving grace is that he must have paid a lot of tax.

Surely it shouldn't have taken 6 years to establish whether or not he actually did give himself a pay rise. Besides, isn't £137k small beer in most LAs?

Ted Treen said...

Sticky situation indeed: other people's money sticking to his fingers in copious amounts.

As you say, a common situation with Labour politicos.

MTG said...

Some pigs are more equal.

JuliaM said...

"The saving grace is that he must have paid a lot of tax."

Which just gives the council & central government more to waste...

"Sticky situation indeed: other people's money sticking to his fingers in copious amounts."
