Monday, 14 October 2019

No, Love, Your Life Isn't Over...

A dog owner says her life "is over" after her beloved pet was ordered to wear a muzzle in public purely because of its breed.
...well, not until this sort of thing happens. So get a bloody grip!
"She is not an aggressive dog", Anita added tearfully. "But because of her breed, she's automatically deemed a danger.
"You can get aggressive Labradors or German Shepherds, it's almost like racism."
Bloody hell, now even dogs are using the RaceCard!


Feral said...

You have to ask why the woman was attracted to this particular breed in the first place. She must have been aware of the risks. It is right that the dog is muzzled. If her life is over then she should have the dog put down first. Saves a lot of bother.

Anonymous said...

Her life is over? A bit like all those people who swear they'll leave the country if (a) the Tories get in, (b) the country votes Brexit, (c) ....

Frankly, let's hope that she tops herself. She won't be missed.

JuliaM said...

"You have to ask why the woman was attracted to this particular breed in the first place."

Stocky, slobbering, dim...people look like their pets, you know?

"A bit like all those people who swear they'll leave the country if (a) the Tories get in, (b) the country votes Brexit, (c) ...."

I'd volunteer to carry their bags to the airport!