Friday 8 November 2013

A Higher Authority..?

A Muslim taxi driver refused to give a lift to a disabled woman's dog – because he thought it broke the rules of Ramadan.
Well, it doesn’t matter what he thought, the refusal broke the law of this land, so that trumps everything.
The driver, who we can only identify from the name used in council papers as K, was so confused by the incident he contacted his Imam to ask for advice on what he should have done.
Wealden District Council's licensing sub-committee discussed the matter on October 2, and considered whether K was still considered a fit and proper person to hold a taxi licence.
Oh, this’ll be good! *grabs popcorn*
Councillors stressed taxi drivers could not refuse to carry a disabled passenger or any assistance animal unless they were medically exempt from doing so under the Equalities Act.
And they added that next time he should consider whether working during Ramadan was a good idea.
Ummm… wha..?
The committee eventually decided it was clear that K had sought religious direction on the matter, and that he was now fully aware of his duties as a licensed driver and that he should not lose his job as a result of the incident.
Gosh, I wonder if they’d have been so forgiving if he’d transgressed against any of the progressives' other bugbears? Like patriotism?

Mind you, they are models of decision-making when compared with the boss of the cab company!
Dave Stitchman, owner of East Grinstead's King Of The Road Cars taxi firm, said he would have respected the driver's religious beliefs.
He said: "I have not ever had a Muslim driver at the firm but we once had a Turkish man who just didn't turn up on his first day. Personally I would have tried to resolve the situation quickly to help both the taxi driver and the client.
"I'm not too sure what the rules of Ramadan are so I would have a quick look on the internet and tell the driver what he can and can't do. I would explain the situation to the client and be honest and up front about the reason why the driver feels the way he does."
It’s amazing what you can learn on the Internet, Dave ol’ son.


Macheath said...

"Hello; is that the Imam? Can you tell me, is this my confused face, bro?"

John Tee said...

Rules of Ramadan? He wasn't being asked to eat the dog was he?

Anonymous said...

So if I purchase and run a B&B and I consider that people wanting to stay could be breaking the rules of Christianity, I can refuse them and not get taken to court and prosecuted?

Woman on a Raft said...

The wording on this story is mysterious. Usually they make it clear a guide dog is at issue, but this time they are being coy.

A cab driver cannot refuse to carry a disabled person but they can refuse to carry companion dogs. There is a difference between a pet and an assistance animal, of which there are relatively few.

So was it an assistance dog or not?

Anonymous said...

Of course, it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that Muslims consider dogs to be unclean animals - I digress somewhat, but can recall complaints from the Muslim community that drug search dogs were used in Muslim households. This resulted in apologies from the testicular challenged diversity Superintendent and a change in policy. By some strange coincidence, this led to an increase of drugs on the street, but of course there was no connection.
Whether the vehicle was a taxi which can be stopped on the street or a pre-booked cab is not known, as they have different rules. Of course nothing more will be done due to fear of being classed as racist, sexist, religiousist, etc.

JuliaM said...

"He wasn't being asked to eat the dog was he?"


"... I can refuse them and not get taken to court and prosecuted?"

Religious parity? Oooooh, no, we won't be having that!

"The wording on this story is mysterious. Usually they make it clear a guide dog is at issue..."

Indeed. But perhaps they are just adopting the latest terminology to include other assistance dogs?

"By some strange coincidence, this led to an increase of drugs on the street, but of course there was no connection. "

GAH! That Superintendent should be turfed out of his cozy chair & on to the beat for a year... :/