Sunday 17 November 2013

Really, 'Daily Star'..?

H/T: Dave Ward via email


Jack Savage said...

Blimey! He must have gone white as a sheet!

The Jannie said...

We must presume it was a small packet of bakers' yeast . . . .

Macheath said...

...until being finished off by an overdose at his Neverland ranch.

Oh, sorry - you meant someone else?

xplod said...

White "lightening",perhaps?

wpc jilted said...

i bin struk by lightening wunce

Anonymous said...

More chance of getting struck by lightening twice or Melvin writing something funny and interesting? Discuss.

MTG said...


JuliaM said...

"We must presume it was a small packet of bakers' yeast . . ."


blueknight said...

Nearly as bad as the youth who had the name of his favourite Metallica album tattooed on his arm.
It should have read 'Ride the lightning'. What it said was 'Ride the lighting'.
I had visions of him straddling a fluorescent tube..