Thursday 7 November 2013

The Things You Get Moderated For At ‘CiF’…

Van Badham gives advice she thinks we need:
If suggesting egalitarian households, egalitarian social leadership, social gender parity and an end to culturally reductive depictions of women sounds like a feminist agenda to you, you're right.
So when I thanked her for her tips on how not to raise a rapist, and wondered how to avoid raising a self-loathing, namby-pamby, scared-of-his-own-shadow 'new man' instead, I was rather surprised to have my comment ‘disappeared’.

Still, I guess I'm in pretty good company, given the swathe the moderators have cut through the comment section....


MTG said...

A well written article...violated (excuse the euphemism Ms Badham) by well concealed misandry and paranoid feminist censorship.

Anonymous said...

Yep my posts have to be preapproved by the moderators on cif. Comment is definitely not free where the left is concerned.

Bucko said...

"If suggesting egalitarian households, egalitarian social leadership, social gender parity and an end to culturally reductive depictions of women sounds like a feminist agenda to you,..."

Nope. It sounds like bullshit

JuliaM said...

" posts have to be preapproved by the moderators on cif."


"Nope. It sounds like bullshit"

My thoughts exactly!