Monday 11 November 2013

(Don’t) Stand By Your Man…

Basildon Mayor Mo Larkin has split from consort John Handley in the wake of an Echo investigation into his “Walter Mitty” background.
Yes, it’s that Mo Larkin
Mrs Larkin issued a statement yesterday distancing herself from Mr Handley after the Echo revealed he was not the war hero, diplomat and legal adviser he claimed to be.
Oh, really? Wait, wait!

*gets popcorn*

OK, continue!
Yesterday’s Echo revealed how Mr Handley’s long-held claims to have been in the Royal Navy, an international diplomat and hold a doctorate in law were made up as he is a former TV repair man who runs a cleaning business.
Mr Handley, who referred to himself as “Dr” due to a PhD obtained from an online unaccredited university, was ejected as a Jehovah’s Witness elder in his hometown of Ramsgate, Kent, for lying after meeting the mayor.
Superb! *wipes away tear of mirth*
In her statement, Mrs Larkin, who has resisted calls from Labour to stand down, said: “Following allegations in the Echo and rumours that have been circulating for some time about John Handley, I would now like to make it public that I ended our relationship last week.
“I will always put the reputation of Basildon borough and that of the office of the mayor above my personal feelings.
“I would like to reiterate that at no stage during our relationship did John exert any influence over council policy or decisions.”
Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself, Mo. It could well be said that, in falling for the likes of Mr Handley, you’ve epitomised the reputation of Basildon!
Mr Handley said he received news of the split from Mrs Larkin in writing.


Demetrius said...

The news of the split in writing. Was it a hand signature or an auto One or a p/p from an assistant?

JuliaM said...

Beggars belief, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...


Lynne at Counting Cats said...

What took them so long to find him out? Is it a case of don't look too close to home?