Saturday 2 November 2013

Once More, With Feeling…

…’the world’ is not ‘the watercooler discussion at Guardian HQ’. Nor is it the totally self-selecting sample of users of Jezebel or Buzzfeed:
An unknown Australian girl decides to host an "African"-themed 21st birthday party.
Hilarity, as you might expect, doesn’t ensue…
When confronted … she posts an apology for the unintended offence she had caused, rather than addressing the problem with hosting such a party. Coverage on American websites Buzzfeed and Jezebel is met with disgust and outrage.
So? I rarely use them, but from what I've seen, they - like Twitter and Facebook - are outlets for disgust and outrage. And kittens.

Certainly not to be taken seriously, but some seem to take a perverse delight in finding reasons to do their country down...
But other, more thoughtful commentary could prompt some Australian introspection. Hundreds of comments show how we are seen on the world stage – “Listen to white people there talk about Abo’s on welfare, and you’ll quickly realise America doesn’t really have a race problem,” suggests one Jezebel commentator. Over on Buzzfeed things aren’t much better, where the comment “Australians are well-known for their racism” was widely lauded.
 By people on social media. It's hardly representative, is it?
This isn’t the first incident of Australian racism being spotlighted in America, either – John Oliver recently called Australia “the most comfortably racist place” he’d ever been. To his mind, “They’ve really settled into their intolerance like an old resentful slipper.”
Oh, wow, Australia's lost the world-leading 'British comedian working in America' demographic! However will it cope..?

Has anyone who matters actually been consulted? It seems the answer is 'No':
No studies have been completed on international perceptions of Australian racism, but this avalanche of anecdotes demonstrates that there is a definite disconnect between our perceptions of ourselves, and how we appear to others.
What happened to ‘the plural of anecdote is not data’? Or does that not apply when the Left want to use it?
In the age of increasing globalization, this old-world White Australia approach is less and less appealing; more than one Jezebel commentator states they won’t be visiting Australia due to our atrocious treatment of our Indigenous population.
Their loss is definitely Australia’a gain!
… viewing our treatment of racial minorities through the lens of Europe’s treatment of the Roma doesn’t render our home-grown brand any less entrenched or problematic. Nor does it change the global perception that Australia is a racist paradise, a haven for discrimination and bigotry.
What 'global perception'..?
The disconnect between the perspective espoused by the Challenging Racism Report and the observations made by our foreign friends must surely undermine any confidence we have that Australia is a multicultural place where a fair go is offered to all.
Yes. God forbid Australians have any confidence. Self-loathing is much better...


John M said...

Maybe Austrlia is racist but at least they don't beat them or hang them from trees occasionally like still like in some southern states of the USA.

God bless Jeses, God bless America.

Able said...

What they'll, of course, fail to mention is both the 'fact' that there 'is' a major problem with Aborigines on welfare, drink, child abandonment, etc. (courtesy of their left-wing friends in .gov - a bit like here and in the states, no?), and the 'fact' that the 'racist' opinions on them is held across all the other ethnicities in Australia (you really don't want to hear what 'the Asians' think of them).

Nope, it's just all those horrible racist whiteys - SSDD.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX When confronted … she posts an apology for the unintended offence she had caused, XX


African themed party, bad.

But allowing monkeys to dress like white men, and putting them in the WHITEhouse is O.K?

And what the FUCK is she doing apologising??!!

JuliaM said...

"... but at least they don't beat them or hang them from trees occasionally like still like in some southern states of the USA."

I rather doubt there have been any recent cases!

"(you really don't want to hear what 'the Asians' think of them)"

Only white man/woman racism counts!