Sunday 24 November 2013

Ummmm, What..?

'Daily Mail' discovers hunting, is outraged:

Well, ignoring all their many other faux pas, maybe they have a point here?

Maybe they've wised up and educated themselves on the natural world, and studied ecology and so might have a chance to make a reasoned argum...

Oh. Forget I said anything...

Update: Spot the misogyny...

Oh, wait! You won't, because not one of the feminist crackpots who'd usually fly at Gervais, claws out and fangs bared, will pipe up...


MTG said...

Even this dreadful psychopath has a place in the scheme of things...but this example is 4,000 miles from the Met.

Ian Hills said...

Fancy taking your twelve-bore to Fleet Street, Julia?

Ian B said...

Anything that upsets Ricky Gervais has to be good. If it's also upset thousands of other animal rights moonbats, all the better.

Anonymous said...

It's a lion not a member of an endangered species. She paid a sack of money to shoot it. Without sacks of money that bit of veld where the lion lived and bred would be overgrazed by cattle not pristine bush with diverse species.