Monday 4 November 2013

"There is one gang bigger than both of them put together. It is called the Metropolitan Police."

So writes a commenter about this story:
The Crown & Pepper in High Street was forced to close after members of the notorious West Croydon gang Jaffna Boys attacked a bartender with links to rival gang the Tooting Tamils. S
Soon after the fight, just before midnight on October 17, Tooting Tamils launched an armed reprisal attack on the Jaffna Boys member, who narrowly escaped serious injury.
Detectives now fear the Jaffna Boys, a violent gang with links to attempted murder, drug supply and extortion, will launch a potentially fatal revenge attack focussing on the Crown and Pepper.
So, how do the police propose to tackle this gang threat? Why, the way they seem to tackle everything nowadays - close down a business in the name of 'safety':
Detectives' fears led them to ask the Crown and Pepper's owner, Rajesh Shulka, to shut the venue as a precaution the night after the attack but he refused, so police issued a closure order.
The order was upheld by Croydon Magistrates' Court on October 21. The court said the restaurant must remain shut until a council licensing sub-committee meeting considered its status on November 5.
It rather beggars belief that a nation that withstood the Blitz now cowers in fear before a gang of imported street 'diversity', doesn't it?
Metropolitan Chief inspector Duncan Slade: "It is of note that these premises are not a 'late night, club-style venue' but one that attracts families seeking a pleasant meal out.
"Such a clientèle would have no understanding of the risks they faced were our intelligence proved correct."
And the risk to society of letting the gangs see that they rule the streets, Chief Inspector? What of that?

Oh, and don't ask them to produce any evidence.


Bucko said...

The Tooting Tamils?

Tooting? Tamils?

What have we created?

Kevin B said...

" armed reprisal attack on the Jaffna Boys member..."

For a minute there Julia, I thought this was one of your 'misplaced apostrophe' posts. Brought tears to my eyes.

Mr Grumpy said...

Tooting Tamils v Jaffna Boys of West Croydon... integration working a treat down in S London, then? I suppose we should be grateful that the Tooting Tamils haven't resorted to suicide bombing so far.

Anonymous said...

What a disgrace. Still, things ain't gonna get no better when the first wave of new inspectors (appointed within three years of joining under the new accelerated graduate scheme) arrive. They will be clueless, their 'staff' will also be utterly clueless - but then that's what the 'Common Purpose' crowd that runs the Uk wants isnt it. Still as long as Esther Rantzen can tell a story about being 'fitted up' by Trafpol a million years ago when Desmond was driving like a cnut - the rest of society must suffer.
And let's not just blame the police about such a silly reaction - remember they have no more dicretion, no chrges can be brought without the say so of the CPS and almost every action, planned or otherwise, BIY particularly planned has to be risk assessed under H&S laws, stated cases, RIPA, and the HRA!

Anonymous said...

How very exciting, vibrant & enriching this little town has become.

I suppose it's too much to hope they wipe each other with no collateral damage ?

blueknight said...

Detectives now fear the Jaffna Boys, a violent gang with links to attempted murder, drug supply and extortion, will launch a potentially fatal revenge attack focussing on the Crown and Pepper.
After 'Snatch' and 'Lock Stock and Two smoking barrels', there's another Guy Ritchie film in there somewhere.

GalaPie said...

Metropolitan Chief inspector Duncan Slade: "It is of note that these premises are not a 'late night, club-style venue' but one that attracts families seeking a pleasant meal out.
"Such a clientèle would have no understanding of the risks they faced were our intelligence proved correct."

Perhaps they should just get a whole load of police to come in prepared but not visibly in uniform, sit them in pairs and groups at all the tables, and give the gangs a pleasant surprise when they show up? If you want to be super cautious have a few pose as the staff as well.

Anonymous said...

It's not Britain anymore is it. Oh well by the time it gets really bad I'll no longer care.

Anonymous said...

With all that gritty authenticity and crosscultural interchange why don't the last two Libdem voters and Polly T admirers move there? Up is the only way for the area.

JuliaM said...

"What have we created?"

A monster...

" Brought tears to my eyes."


" I suppose we should be grateful that the Tooting Tamils haven't resorted to suicide bombing so far."

Year ain't over yet...

"...things ain't gonna get no better when the first wave of new inspectors (appointed within three years of joining under the new accelerated graduate scheme) arrive."


JuliaM said...

"I suppose it's too much to hope they wipe each other with no collateral damage ?"

Yes, sadly...

"After 'Snatch' and 'Lock Stock and Two smoking barrels', there's another Guy Ritchie film in there somewhere."

Guaranteed a big overseas audience!

"Perhaps they should just get a whole load of police to come in prepared but not visibly in uniform, sit them in pairs and groups at all the tables, and give the gangs a pleasant surprise when they show up?"

Because that would be too much like hard work?

"...why don't the last two Libdem voters and Polly T admirers move there? Up is the only way for the area."

I'm not sure that counts as 'up'..!

Anonymous said...

All a bunch of gravy m8.... tooting tamils need to die

Anonymous said...

How about don't let them in the UK in the first place. They are dirty illegal immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Stfu fam