Friday 29 November 2013

Gosh! *Rummages In Cupboard* I'm Sure It's Here Somewhere...

A teenage murderer hanged himself just days after being jailed at one of Britain’s highest security prisons.
Imran Douglas, 18, faced a minimum of 18 years behind bars for the horrific killing of a bed-ridden pensioner.
Ah! There it is!

A Met spokesman confirmed that police are investigating the death of Douglas. He said: ‘A special post-mortem examination gave cause of death as injuries consistent with self-suspension.
The death is being treated as non-suspicious.’
And fortuitous.


Anonymous said...

Let us hope he never took the opportunity to breed. Still, the sad loss (not) of yet another young man with an old fashioned British first name.

Fahrenheit211 said...

Good riddance. This is what is called a good result.

Anonymous said...

An S & M spokesman confirmed that police are investigating the death of Douglas. He said: ‘A special post-mortem examination gave cause of death as injuries consistent with self-suspension.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX A Met spokesman confirmed that police are investigating the death of Douglas.XX

Police must be short of spokesmen if they have to borrow a weather forecaster.

Anonymous said...

I just read 'Imran Douglas' and knew it wasn't going to be pretty.

Still, has name and visage will live on, to be found under 'miscegenate' in any good illustrated dictionary.

Anonymous said...

"A post mortem investigation found he died of injuries consistent with suicide by hanging."

A slow a painful death. At the hands of Albert Pierrepoint, he would have met a quicker end. Not that I am complaining.

Oh, and good to see the 'Give-A-Fuck-O-Meter back.

Just don't break this time Julia.

MTG said...

Imran Douglas, an abomination by any other name, met a fitting end although a few may resent Justice 'cheated'.
The mercy in our nature is evident in donations of user-friendly lengths of rope to lifers convicted of particularly horrific crimes.

JuliaM said...

"Let us hope he never took the opportunity to breed. "

A bit of a forlorn hope, these days...

"Police must be short of spokesmen if they have to borrow a weather forecaster."


"At the hands of Albert Pierrepoint, he would have met a quicker end. Not that I am complaining."

Idiot couldn't even get that right, could he? A loser to the end..