Tuesday 27 May 2008

A Prediction...

Very little detail yet in the MSM about Karl Bishop, the 21 year old accused of the murder of Robert Knox, other than to describe him as 'unemployed'.

So here's my prediction - he'll have a string of low-level criminal offences on his record, and probably be from a disfunctional family. He'll have been an underachiever at school, with few if any qualifications. Almost certainly, the warning signs will have begun there, with suspensions and perhaps even an expulsion or two; certainly, accusations of bullying and disruptive behaviour will have dogged his education record. He'll have had repeated warnings (or possibly even ASBOs) and numerous 'second chances' from the justice system, but will have spent few (if any) days behind bars.

After his conviction (which will no doubt be followed by the disclosure of his record) a politician will claim we need better methods of 'identifying problem youngsters'...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure your prediction is right.

However, logically it does not follow that because one serious offender has the traits you describe, all those with the traits will become serious offender. Can you suggest a way to identify which of the children that get suspended, etc, will become knife-wielding killers?

Anonymous said...


These aren't 'traits' - I'm talking about actual offences, beginning in school and moving up into the judicial system, first as a 'young offender' and later as an adult.

Yet any punishment he has received (if indeed he received any) will have been futile...

Anonymous said...

Of course, clever Julia would know exactly what to do?

Readers, this writer is a busted flush. She takes a one-dimensional view on things offering little in the way of how to solve complex and inter-woven problems. When challenged to do so, she becomes offensive or, cracks a little joke.

Hang um, Shoot um, flog um seems to be the underpinning thread which holds these fetid little pieces together.

Truth is people, anyone writing with such a lack of empathy for humanity, hasn't got a clue.


Anonymous said...

"Hang um, Shoot um, flog um seems to be the underpinning thread..."

Wohoo! Got my first Red Indian reader.

Oooh, that wasn't politically correct, was it..? ;)

I think you'll find, Total Twat, that it should have been rendered as "hang 'em, shoot 'em, flog 'em'." It's usually the key with the @ symbol on it on the right hand side of the keyboard.

There - now you've learned something today...

Anonymous said...

I havn't seen any answers from you....just invective, spite and using attack as the best form of defence. Its as I said, you're all wind and piss love. Tell us all how you're gonna revolutionise the world......yawn !


Anonymous said...

I'll tell you, TT...
how about exposing all egalitarian-collectivism for the inhuman shite that it is. A deeply flawed system, masquerading as *caring*, that leaves societies in a wretched state.
Then we'll see whether it survives.
Not so much a revolution, as an evolution.

Anonymous said...

"I havn't seen any answers from you..."

You're not looking for answers, Total Twat. You're just filling in time until your next medication...

Anonymous said...

My posts do not make attempts to support our current system of goverment. They merely point out the person in charge of this particular diatribe is a knob.

Got no beef with you


Anonymous said...

well TT,
i see JuliaM's blog and all the other anti-progressive/anti-lefty blogs as part of the solution in exposing the scourge of mindless collectivism.
I dont care whether she's one-dimensional or multi-dimensional.
In the big picture, she fits just right.
Wheres your blog at?.. so that i may read your constructive contributions, rather than your snipes at JuliaM.

Anonymous said...

"Wheres your blog at?.. so that i may read your constructive contributions, rather than your snipes at JuliaM."

Characters like Total Twat hardly ever set up their own blogs - they just prefer to parasitize other blog comment threads.

The typical socialist outlook, in fact - get some other guy to do the work then steal it! :)