Saturday 26 May 2012

Gosh, I Wonder Why The Police Aren’t The First Port Of Call Anymore?

A group of ravers who claim they were attacked at a party by men with dogs say that they are going to claim for damages – even though they admit they were on the land illegally.
Well, good luck with that. I suspect you’ll have as much luck as this chap, frankly…
One of them, 22-year-old Steven, said: "Four men with four Alsatian dogs turned up and pushed over our sound system and speakers.
"We told them we would leave immediately but they started dragging people from cars and setting the dogs on people dancing.
"I saw a young girl being dragged across the floor with the dogs attacking her. It was disgusting. What sort of grown man would beat up a 16-year-old girl? "
Yes, it is disgusting. What sort of 16 year old girl would think she had the right to do as she pleased on other people’s property?

So, why didn’t they just call the police to remove the ravers? After all, they are quick enough to act in other areas. Though not so much in others, especially when outnumbered...
The group, aged between 15 and 30, say they have been organising the free parties throughout the countryside for several years and during that time have never experienced any trouble.
Steven said: "We expect the police to turn up but they don't set upon people with mindless violence, they make sure the party is under control and tell people to leave the site.
"The problem is there is nothing to do for people our age in Radstock or Midsomer Norton: this gives everyone something positive to do.
Yeah, like that’s any excuse! Your parents must be so proud of their offspring’s whinging excuse for trespass, eh?

Oh. Hang on. Clearly, they were the ones who provided you with your massive, unearned sense of entitlement:
Gael, who accompanied her son and his friends to the party to ensure they were safe and had a lift home, said: "My own son was dragged through the window of my car by these men.
"The young people who were at the party were not doing any harm. They were simply dancing in a field with their friends.
A field that didn’t belong to them, and where they were not authorised to be…
"The music they were playing wasn't excessively loud; I could still hear my own music I was playing in the car over it.
Thus adding to the din?
"They are good kids who want an alternative to standing around on the streets drinking. They organise the parties because there is no other form of entertainment for them locally.
So why not approach the landowner and ask permission? Is that not something ‘good kids’ should do?
A spokeswoman for Avon and Somerset Police confirmed that they were investigating a series of complaints following allegations of assault, criminal damage and possession of a dog in a non-public place causing injury.
Well, don’t investigate too hard, will you? Just put in the same amount of effort as you put in to all complaints of trespass and squatting, and it’ll be fine.

Or, you could just put MORE effort into resolving those issues, and then maybe people won’t have to take the law into their own hands?

Just a thought…


Anonymous said...

Kids in a field with music...fucking madness.
That must be stopped by all means.

Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Predator

" ...and then maybe people won’t have to take the law into their own hands?"

The law is in our hands. The police are merely hirelings to do the biding of we law-abiding citizens who pay their salaries.

If the police don't wish to perform, they should resign and if they don't perform and don't resign they should be sacked.

At this time of year barns are mostly empty. Ideal for barn dances. Just a thought for the poor kids with nowhere to go 'cept stand around on the streets and drink ...

Traditional barn dances are multi-generational events from grandparents to little children. Fun for all the family - none of this generational division that someone seems to have dreamt up as a sort of generational multi-culturalism. And we all know how well that works ...


Captain Haddock said...

"The young people who were at the party were not doing any harm. They were simply dancing in a field with their friends" ..

I doubt that the same feelings of freedom would be applied if a group of young people, whom she didn't know, were to descend on her back garden for a rave ..

I suspect she'd be shrilly demanding that the Police, her MP or the might of the British Army should be immediately deployed to "do something" ..

Jiks said...

I'd far rather have these "ravers" for company than the sort that think setting dogs on children is the way forward.

As a matter of fact if I had any children I'd far rather they were dancing in a field with their friends rather than drunkenly brawling in the city centre with randoms. Unless their sound system was playing dubstep of course.

Anonymous said...

Where's Melvin? This is a slightly critical post about the police.Something wrong with his radar?
I'm going to call the police in Huddersfield and send them round his house.I bet there will be 20 pints of milk on the doorstep and hundreds of pizza fliers in his letterbox.Police will break in and find a rotting corpse of a bitter old man clutching his thesaurus.
Jaded-(tongue in cheek of course)

ivan said...

One thing we aren't told - what crop were they destroying?

Gibby Haynes said...

I think you'll find, Gael (if that is your real name) that standing in the streets drinking is also illegal.

What does it say about your retarded kids that the only two options they apparently have for recreation are both illegal?

Anonymous said...

@ WPC Jaded

Even by plod standards, you are a nasty piece of work. Never popular at school, the 'snitch' tag was your defining label, was it not?

Anonymous said...

No sense of humour you lefties.

Bitter wasn't far from the truth was it?
Quick-the Daily Mail are printing another anti-police story,get on there right away.

Anonymous said...

Trespass isn't a criminal offence, so unless other laws are being broken: tough.
Dogs not under control, and being used to attack people, is a criminal offence however.
Using reasonable force to resist attack, is legal. Killing a dog is a minor offence. All-in-all I would have attacked a dog, attempting to damage the animals throat. Job done. Private security guards are usually failed force,or ex forces.

JuliaM said...

"Kids in a field with music...fucking madness.
That must be stopped by all means."

Until they get permission from the landowner... yes.

"At this time of year barns are mostly empty. Ideal for barn dances."

That takes organisation, cooperation, sharing of resources. People like this just want to take.

It's the free-ride generation.

"I doubt that the same feelings of freedom would be applied if a group of young people, whom she didn't know, were to descend on her back garden for a rave .."

Spot on!

"I'd far rather have these "ravers" for company than the sort that think setting dogs on children is the way forward."

That's just their claim.

And hey, if I was caught doing something naughty, I'd get my retaliation in first too...

JuliaM said...

"One thing we aren't told - what crop were they destroying?"

Were they destroying any? Does it matter? The landowner didn't give them permission.

End of, as I believe the saying goes.

"What does it say about your retarded kids that the only two options they apparently have for recreation are both illegal?"

Good point!

"Trespass isn't a criminal offence..."
